School Blog

Goodbye Year 3

We are so proud of Year 3, they have worked ever so hard this year. 

We wish them well and look forward to seeing them when they become Year 4.

Mrs Slate & Miss Laitl


A massive congratulations to Matilda and Albert for gaining the class awards for behaviour and achievement. They should be very proud of their year in Year 5. They have always been Ready, Respectful and Safe and worked hard in class and at home. I couldn't be more prouder of these two children.


Kind regards

Ms McCoy

Year 1 Toy Workshop

Year 1 had lots of fun learning about different toys from the past and building their own wooden toys. They learnt lots of new skills like hammering, smoothing and glueing. What do you think of our finished products?

Y6 Awards Ceremony

A massive well done to all in Year 6! We are so proud of you!

The class have nominated each other for these awards. I really think they show how much certain qualities shine through in people.

The awards are:

Most polite- Lucy

Most enthusiastic- Amelia

Times table wizard- Sonny

Most cheerful- Maisie

Best double act- Paige and Lily

Most confident- Aidan

Best actor- Ethan

Biggest smile- Poppy M

Best artist- Hattie

Science wizard- Noah

Most optimistic- Reuben

Maths wizard- Harry

Bee Meadow

During our Year 2 bee topic, year 2 planted some bee friendly flowers. We created a beautiful meadow providing a forage for a wide variety of pollinating insects but mainly to help save the bees . Yesterday, we watered them, they have really blossomed! 

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day

Year 1 and 2 had great fun taking part in their Sports Day today. They did running, egg and spoon and obstacle races. It was great to see them showing the school games values and cheering everyone on. 


Year 1 = 1st = Anna, 2nd = Noah, 3rd = Kai and Jacob

Year 2 = 1st.... 2nd = Rueben, 3rd = Joshua

Egg and Spoon:

Year 1 = 1st = Kai, 2nd = Noah, 3rd = Ellie

Year 2 = 1st = Hollie and Joshua, 2nd = Isla, 3rd = Rueben


Year 1 = 1st = Millie, 2nd = Henry, 3rd = Anna and Max

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day!

Today, Year 1 and Year 2 had lot's of fun taking part in our Sports Day. The children took part in a sprint, egg and spoon and an obstacle race. We made sure we stayed in the shade, had suncream on, drunk plenty of water and tried our best. What a lovely afternoon! 

Y6 Project

This week year 6 have put themselves in teams and chosen a project manager for different tasks. Our teams are: Alpha Starks, Sweet Delights, Candy Crushers, Alpha Leaders and the Unknown Alphas.

There first challenge was to make the tallest newspaper they could using only newspaper. After a lot of cheating ;) the team with the smallest tower won- as they were the only ones who stuck to using only newspaper.

Today they had to design a chocolate bar wrapper, logo and slogan using a product specification. 

I think we have some future entrepreneurs!!!
