School Blog

Freddie fit

Freddie fit visited our school, Year 5 children learnt to show Year 3 children how to complete 'circuit for life' exercises. 

Year 3 Dance

Children in Year 3 have been learning to design and perform their own dance with a city theme.

Can you recognise the actions based on city life? 

A busy start

Last week, we started Yoga in our PE lessons. We took part in a yoga session lead by Miss Lewis and then we created our own 3 positions/movements. We have also been super busy in Math doing practical activities linked to place value.

Is there anybody out there?

This half term we are exploring Space. Our topic question is 'Is there anybody out there?' We will be writing stories about an adventure to Earth, creating spaceships and rockets, learning about the solar system, making space biscuits and much more. Please check out Seesaw and our class blog for updates. 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to this week's winners of Year 5's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green Awards, as well as those who completed the Summer Reading  Challenge   Such a fantastic start to Year 5 from all of the winners!  Mrs Blomeley


Congratulations to our Year 3 superstars! We have our two Good to Be Green raffle winners and our two children who received Head Teacher Awards.

Well done, you have really impressed us this week. 

Year 4 Award Winners

Well done to everybody for a great start to Year 4. I've been highly impressed by all the children especially those who  received our Head Teachers award and Good to be Green awards this week! Keep up the hard work! 


Well done to everybody for a great start to Year 2. Well done to the children who received our Head Teachers award and Good to be Green awards this week! Keep up the hard work! 

Y6 Stars of the week

Congratulations to the Y6 Stars of the week Harrison and Ellie.

Harrison has really impressed me with his enthusiasm and understanding in our reading sessions.

Ellie has presented each piece of work beautifully to such a high standard.

Albert and Jessica have won the good to be green raffle for following the school expectations all week. They are great role models.

