School Blog

Polish Day

Year 1 had lots of fun on Polish Day. We learnt about where Poland is and how to say good morning in Polish. We made Poland flags and Polish folk art using wax crayons. Trying the Polish food was the best bit. We loved the chocolate, bread and sausage but weren't too sure on the Polish cheese. Finally we learnt to sing Baby Shark in Polish and were amazed to find it had the same tune even though it was in a different language. 

Marvellous Mirrors

We had lots of fun learning about reflection and investigating mirrors today. First we found out how mirrors are made and how they work. Then we played a game where our partner pretented to be a mirror and copied our actions. We also wrote our names and used mirrors to create their mirror reflection. 

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Thank you for all your donations and support raising money for Macmillan. We will confirm the final amount once the last of the cakes are sold this week. Thank you and well done to everyone. Thank you to Mrs Butler and Mrs Lynch for their hard work with this.


Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children in Year 5 who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behaviour!  We are very proud of all of you.  Mrs Blomeley

Testing Reflective Materials

In our Science lesson on Monday we conducted an experiment to test which materials reflect light best. We noticed that smooth, shiny surfaces such as polished metals and mirrors reflect light well. 

Enjoying a good book

Is there a better way to start a Friday than to spend some time in the library with a book?

The children are also enjoying using their library slots to catch up with their reading on getepic.

Islamic art

The Islamic artwork produced by Year 6 this week was fantastic.

Have a look at some of the pieces which have made it on to the KS2 Art Gallery. 

All about Poland day

Year 6 really enjoyed finding out about Poland this week. 

We have tasted Polish food, used maps to locate Poland in Europe and to look at the georaphical features of Poland. 

We have also researched different places in Poland to produce a class book.

Please look through the photographs of our fun day. 
