School Blog

Outdoor activity in Year 3

Outdoor activity in Year 3

As part of their PE lesson with a Geography link, children enjoyed being outside and learning to draw their own maps, then follow maps in familar contexts. They are beginnning to use clues to follow a route and follow a map safely. 


Space Week...

The planetarium from Jodrell Bank visited our school for year 2s topic and to celebrate Space Week. It was out of this world! 

Harvest Time.

Thank you for all our harvest donations. This year we have donated to The Sandwich Angels. These wonderful volunteers make sandwiches for the homeless families in Greater Manchester. Jacob organised this and wants to help out in the community to build homes when he is older. What an inspiration! 

Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day takes place on the 10th October.  In Year 6 we will look at different types of self-care and reflect on what works for individual children. Activities may include finding things you have in common with others, stretching and breathing exercises, learning something new and carrying out acts of kindness. We’re encouraging students to continue to try different activities at home - why not try some as a family?

National Poetry Day 2021

Years 3, 5 and 6 took part in a poetry workshop with the amazing Michael Rosen on National Poetry Day. We watched Michael perform some of his poetry and joined in along with him. I know that Year 6 particularly enjoyed 'No breathing in class'  Please look at Michael's website for many more poetry ideas and performances: Michael Rosen | Official Website He is certainly inspiring.

Draw along session with Steve May

We had a special treat today to celebrate National Libraries Week; a virtual Draw Along event on Zoom. Year 3 really enjoyed the session with illustrator Steve May. We all had a go at drawing BITEY BITEY, one of Steve's characters. 


Well done to the children who received the sports award, the Head teachers awards and the Good to be green award this week. Great effort! Keep up the fabulous work everybody!

Year 3 Awards

Well done to Year 3 children who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behaviour!  
