School Blog

Hajj workshop

Year 6 found out lots of information about Hajj this week. Hajj is a special pilgrimage that some people take to visit Mecca. Our visitor Imran shared lots of information and photographs of what is involved when Muslims travel to Mecca on their special pilgrimage. 

Raving Romans

Year 4 have been working exceptionally hard in school and loving our Romans topic. They have learnt about the life for the Celtic tribes before the Roman invasion and what it was like afterwards, how the Romans brought so many different things to Britain and changed it. They have written a diary as a Roman soldier and enjoyed invading a Celtic village as a soldier (on the school field). We are still learning all about Queen Boudica with our class novel- Boudica's Army and really relate to Kassie, our main character, and her love of horses. 

Whole School Poetry Competition

Next week is National Poetry Day on Thursday 7th October.

In school all classes from Y1-Y6 will be perform a poem to the school in assembly.

We would also like children to take part in a competition at home: please make up a poem about space as we celebrate space week on 11th October. 

Your poem could rhyme, it could be in an interesting shape, it could be acrostic. Any idea as long as it is about space!

Please bring in your poem to school and hand it in to your teachers by Friday 8th October if you would like to be entered into the competition.

Welcoming our Muslim visitor

Imran, a Muslim teacher visitor came to our school and taught our class all about Muslim's pilgrimage to Mecca- Hajj.

Children listened ever so well and Imran commented on how polite and well behaved they were, as well as respectful.

Afterwards children asked lots of questions about each stage of the journey. They then wrote what they'd learnt, see photos of their work.

Learning about Muslim beliefs

Year 5 enjoyed learning from our Muslim teacher visitor, Imran. He clearly explained how Muslims make special journeys. 

Can you remember where Muslims visit on their special journey?


Climbing Trees and Clay Faces

Year 4 have been looking for faces in the trees and using clay to design their own tree faces.  Some children even made their own hedgehogs.  They have had fun balancing on the slackline and climbing trees to see the world from a bird's eye view.

Special visitor

Today, we had a special visitor who came to talk to us and teach us all about the Muslim religion. We learnt that Muslims have 5 things they must do: 1. Believe in Allah (one God) and a special messenger Muhammed. 2. Pray 5 times a day. During prayer, you must take your shoes off, your clothes must be clean, you must wear a hat if you’re a boy and girls must wear a head scarf to cover their hair to be respectful to Allah and finally face Allah’s house. 3. Visit Allah’s house and wear two white sheets of cloth and walk around Allah’s house 7 times anti-clockwise. 4.
