School Blog

Year 4 Trip to Chester

What an absolutely amazing day Year 4 had in Chester- I was very proud to be their class teacher. Have a look at the photographs to see how much fun they had on the Roman Soldier tour. It was a great day and what a fantastic opportunity to enhance the children's learning,  experiencing first-hand the relics of real Roman sites and having access to a range of historical artefacts.

Making rainbow without sunlight

In our Science lesson today we found out how rainbows are made. Then, we tried to make a rainbow without sunligh. We put a mirror in a glass of water and we flashed a torch towards the mirror. A tiny rainbow appeared from the angle of the mirror. You can't see it on the pictures but it was definitely there... If you don't believe us you can try this experiment at home! 

Fantastic Teamwork

Year 6 have been showing their fantastic listening and teamwork skills by making an obstacle course using loose parts, working as a team to transport a ball from one side of the forest school site to another using drain pipes and playing the 'This is not a stick' game.

Well done!

Congratulations to our stars of the week! These children received Headteacher's Awards and Good to be green pencils. They have worked really hard and followed our school rules. Keep up the good work!

Y4 Super Stars

A massive congratulations to Evie and Sam for getting the class merit awards this week. I was highly impressed by their home learning. Well done to Faye and Kade for their exception attitude to learning and for our handwriting superstar Isabel.  Well done everyone. 

Stars of the week 1st October

A big well done to everyone in Year 1 for working so hard this week. 

Marshall got the headteachers award for fantastic maths work and Reeva got the head teachers award for always answering questions. 

Curtis and Ella have been setting a fantastic example to others all week by staying on green.

Cooper has been showing some fantastic balancing and rolling skills in gymnastics so won the PE award.

Keep up all the hard work!

Whole school handwriting winners

Well done to our Broadbent Fold handwriting champions who have already impressed their teachers with their wonderful handwriting and presentation or for a great improvement in their handwriting.

Our winners include Nursery- Isabella, Reception- Mason, Year 2- Toby, Year 4- Isobel, Year 5- Thomas, Year 6- Ethan.

All of their fantastic work is on display on our amazing writing board. 

Y6 Star of the week 1-10-21

Congratulations to the Y6 Stars of the week.

Cameron showed enthusiasm and respect when taking part in our Hajj workshop with Imran this week.

Darcy is always a wonderful role model in the class.

This week Joshua and Hannah won the good to be green raffle. 
