School Blog

Home learning menu Autumn 2

Attached is the home learning menu for Autumn 2 with lots of activities to complete linked to what we will be learning in school. Please upload any work you complete to Seesaw or bring it into school so we can see all the amazing things you are doing. Remember you can earn a gold award for completing all the home learning activities, a silver award for completing 6 activities or a bronze award for completing 4 activities. I cannot wait to see everything that you do!

Would a dragon be a good friend?

In Autumn 2, Year 1's topic is called 'Would a dragon be a good friend?' where they get to learn all about castles, dragons and Kings and Queens. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to including a mysterious golden egg found in the classroom CCTV footage of a dragon in the classroom and of course a visit from Santa's naughty elf Erol in the lead up to Christmas. We will also be very busy practising our Christmas Nativity. Click see more to see all the fun things we will be  doing over the half term.

Numbers in Real Life! Thank You!

A HUGE THANK YOU to those people who sent in photographs for our "Numbers in Real Life" display!  We received some amazing photographs from all around the country, proving that numbers are absolutely everywhere around us!  Here are just a few of the photographs we received.  Thank you again.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 - Autumn Term 2 - Can you crack the code to become a Spy?

Welcome back to Autumn Term 2 in Year 5 which will be action packed in more ways than one!  Our new topic is 'Can you crack the code to become a Spy?'  A firm favourite in Year 5, this topic presents some fantastic opportunities for writing!   The children will create interesting character descriptions and mysterious settings, resulting in spine tingling, spy narratives!  They will adore Spy Day, with its opportunity to dress up as their very own spy, as well as being able to design and make their own spy gadgets!  Add to this, Bikeability, where they will spend two days gaining their badge

Why was London burning?

Welcome back Year 2. I hope you have all had a restful break. This half term, will be exploring 'Why was London Burning?' We will be finding out all about the Great Fire of London. We will be baking the famous London cakes, learning about: how to stay safe around fire/ bonfire night, what to do in the event of a fire at school, we will be making camp fires and toasting marshmallows with Mrs Anson (forest school leader), writing instructions and diary entries and much more.

Year 4 Autumn 2

Well I truly can't believe that it's November on Monday and we're into our second half term in Year 4. Our next topic enables us to jet off around the world, discovering different hemispheres, continents, countries, cities and really improve our geography knowledge. Please see the attached Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for this half term. Enjoy your last few days of the holidays and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. 

Kind regards

Ms McCoy


Superhero Day

Year 1 loved Superhero Day to celebrate the end of their superheroes topic. We all dressed as our favourite superheroes and villains for the day and there were some fabulous outfits! We had lots of fun completing obstacle courses to save our class bear Travelling Ted and making live artwork. 

Stars of the week 21st October

A big well done to everyone who got awards thIs week in Year 1! We had lots of children getting home learning certificates which was fantatsic to see. Some children got reading awards for doing lots of reading over the Summer holidays and some children got Vocabulary Ninja awards for their excellent use of vocabulary in lessons. Congratulations to those children who also got the head teachers awards and good to be green awards this week. Keep up the hard work Year 1!
