School Blog

Cross Country Grand Prix

Lots of pupils braved the cold on Saturday morning for the first cross country race this year. I was so impressed with the sportsmanship of everyone who took part and how everyone was cheering the pupils who were racing on. 

Year 3/4 Girls

6th Aubrey

16th Maisie

24th Faye


Year 3/4 Boys

6th Sam

12th Oliver

20th James


Year 5/6 Girls

12th Laura


Year 5/6 Boys

9th Boyd

10th Xander

18th Tyler 

19th Daniel


Well done to everyone who took part!

Bonfire Night

We had lots of fun learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and all about Guy Fawkes. We used oil pastels to make firework pictures and made delicious chocolate apples. 

Stars of the Week 5th November

Year 1 have had a great first week back after the holidays and have all being working really hard. 

Alice headteachers award for putting 100% into everything that she does and Matilda got hers for really impressing us with her reading skills. 

Well done to those children who stayed on green all week and got their good to be green pencils. 

Also a big well done to everyone who got their walk to school badge for walking to school at least 1 day per week.

Year 6 Stars of the week 5-11-21

Congratulations to Ayden and Scarlett who are this weeks stars in Year 6.

Ayden has made great progress using long division in maths- this is not easy so well done Ayden.

Scarlett has completed some great work in science discussing inheritance and selective breeding. Keep up the great work.

Annabelle and Harrison have won the 'Good to be Green' award for following our school values. 

Did we used to be apes?

This term in Year 6 our topic is called 'Did we used to be apes?'

We will focus on evolution and inheritance with our fantastic workshop on 23rd November.

Please see the attactched topic information.

Also see attached Home Learning Grid for children to complete who are at home self-isolating. 

Stone Age jewellery

As a part of our DT project we designed and started making Stone Age jewellery. We started our lesson with discussion about materials used for making jeweller now. Then we explored what jewellery looked like during the Stone Age and what natural resource were used in those days. We compared Stone Age jewellery to what is worn nowadays. We then designed our very own Stone Age jewellery as well as labeling the resources that would have been used such as animal teeth, stones and shells. Today we used our designs to create beads for our necklaces and bracelets using air dry clay.

Super Science in Year 4

This week the children have started to learn about sound in science. As scientist, they investigated how sound travelled through a string telephone. They chose to compare 2 criteria- either: long and short string telephones, big and small string telephones, wobbly and straight telephone wires or trapped and untrapped telephone wires. They created a hypothesis and then tried to prove whether they were right. Some groups were quite surprised by their results. What a great lesson. 

Friday Awards

Congratulations to Year 3 children who received a Head Teacher's awards and good to be green pencils. What a great start to the new half term! 
