School Blog

A super start to Autumn term 2

Well done to the children this week who have received this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards. Well done everybody! A great first week back after half term. Well done to our Bronze award children who have got 50 star points already this academic year. Super effort

Very Proud

What a shining beacon and a brilliant example of excellence Ellis is in Year 4. In his own time he raised £446 for the Alzhemer's Society. He completed a memory walk in aid of his grandad Jeff. We are all very proud of you Ellis- well done. 

Y4 Amazing Children

What an awful lot of awards this Friday. There has been Bronze awards for Nathan, Lexi, Sophia, Polly, Isabelle, Luca, Amelia and Isobel. Our pencil awards for having a brilliant attitude towards their learning went to Lucy and Sophia this week and our marvellous merits were given to Holly and Lexi for their amazing progress in maths. 

What a brilliant week we've had in Year 4- well done. 

Where will your space adventure take you?

This half term we will be celebrating Fabulous Festivals, Space and Christmas. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to including a visit from Starchaser UK and maybe a special visit from Father Christmas!

Click on read more to see all the fun things we will be doing.

Nursery Home Learning Autumn 2

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your fabulous work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Year 3 Autumn 2

Welcome back Year 3! We hope you are well rested and ready for our fun packed topic this half term.  We will be travelling back in time to the prehistoric era to find out what life was like in the Stone Age. We will be exploring Stone Age art, creating cave paintings and Stone Age jewellery, as well as taking part in hunter gatherer outdoor activities with Mrs Anson making campfires and practising our aiming and throwing skills.

Happy Diwali

Year 3 enjoyed watching videos about DiwalI the Hindu festival of light. We compared this festival to the Christian festival Christmas and Hannukah that Jews celebrate. Children shared their ideas on how DiwalI is celebrated and then together wrote acrostic poems.

Happy Diwali 

Art in Year 3

Year 3 have experimented with watercolours and created the background for a Stonehenge picture using sketching pencils on top of their watercolour background. This links to their Stone Age themed topic this year.

How to keep warm on a chilly day

Year 4 had a brilliant PE session today ensuring that they kept warm whilst It was windy and cool outside. They were really excited to get their hockey sticks and to start dribbling the balls completing many drills. Well done Year 4  

Perfect Polish

What an amazing chance we had today to speak to our link school in Poland. We sang a song to them that we'd learnt and introduced ourselves. It was brilliant!!! 
