School Blog

Survival of the fittest!

Year 6 planned a fair and comparative test on which beaks would be the most effective at scooping up foods. We had a lot of fun this week carrying out the investigation to see which birds are suitable to collect food and thrive and which would unfortunately eventually die off! I'm sure nobody tried to cheat their way into survival!! 

Have a look at our photographs. 

Can you have another go at this at home with materials around the house- send in your photographs. 

Anti bullying

This week, year 6 supported anti-bullying week by wearing our odd socks on Monday.

We have discussed what bullying is and this years theme 'one kind word'

The children have produced these great posters to prevent bullying- we have displayed these all around school.

Year 6 please see the attached poster- 10 ways to show kindness online. 

Friday Awards

Lots of awards for our lovely Year 3 children. There have been Bronze Awards, our pencil awards for following our school rules, Head Teacher's Awards for amazing work and attitude to learning and certificates for our cross country superstars. Well done everyone! 

Well done!

Well done to the children who received this weeks Head Teacher and Good to be Green awards! Super effort! Keep up the hard work everybody! 

Marvellous Merits

A massive congratulations to Aoife and Faye for gaining the merit awards this week in class. I think we have some geography experts developing. Well done girls. Congratulations to Isobel and Matilda for getting the Good to be Green pencils for being Ready, Respectful and Safe and for Sophia, Lexi, Macy, Amelia, Summer, Eva, Ruby, Oliver, Sam and Reiss for getting their Bronze awards too. Year 4 are quite amazing at the moment! 

Quicksticks Competition

On Monday, Broadbent Fold took part in the quicksticks competition where we had a Year 5 team and a Year 6 team taking part.

The Year 5 team came 4th in the tournament beating Audenshaw Primary School 3-0, drawing with Corrie Primary School (B team) 0-0 and Yew Tree Primary School 0-0 and losing to Corrie Primary School (A team) 0-2.

Marvellous Music in Y4

Year 4 have been working hard with Mrs Simpson in music. They are writing rhythms, reading music, learning songs and playing the penny whistles. Some children have decided to join the after school club too and will be performing in our Christmas carol service. 

Leaf ID and being creative with leaves

Year 4 have enjoyed identifying trees using their leaves and using the leaves to make faces, people and animals.  They have also listened to the story of The Green Man and used clay to make faces in the trees.
