School Blog

Stars of the week 3rd December

Year 1 have had yet another busy week and have all impressed me, Miss Hamilton and Mrs Hallam.

Well done to Eva who got the headteachers award for always coming into school with a smile on her face and to Xavier who got his for fantastic work on his numbers to 20. 

Well done to Georgie for getting a good to be green pencil as she is always ready, respectful and safe. 

Congratulations to Xavier, Cooper, Albie and Austin who got their bronze awards for receiving 50 star points.

Rock Art Gallery

Today, we started our lesson with exploring four examples of world famous rock sculptures. We also learnt about Andy Goldsworthy and we looked at examples of his work. Then, we created our own rock balancing sculptures. 

Awards in Year 5 !

Fantastic work, amazing handwriting, being kind and helpful to others and being Ready Respectful and Safe!  Well done to the award winners in Year 5 this week!  Mrs Blomeley

Christmas Fair Fun in Year 5!

A movie and popcorn, followed by a Chocolate Tombola and Lucky Dip, with a chance to win the Christmas Sloth by guessing his name, meant Year 5 enjoyed their Pyjama Afternoon on Friday to celebrate the school Christmas Fair!  Thank you to the PTFA and all parents for their donations.  The children had a great time!  Mrs Blomeley

Spy Day in Year 5!

Spy Day finally arrived in Year 5 and the class came to school disguised in their amazing spy outfits! They looked brilliant!  The morning was spent finding clues, cracking codes, practising spy moves, such as the "brush past", and making the spy gadgets that they'd designed.  Add to this some invisible writing and watching the film of their class text "Stormbreaker",  an action packed and fun day was had by all!   Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley (aka Agent Blomovich!)

Suspicious events in Year 5!

It all started when a suspicious looking briefcase was delivered to Year 5!  It contained a variety of objects and a coded letter.  Year 5, who had learnt how to use a Cipher Wheel, were able to decipher the message and the mission began.  They had just three weeks to investigate who was the Secret Agent in Key Stage 2 ........  

Christmas Fair Fun

What a fun-filled afternoon we had! We wached a movie and enjoyed popcorn, hot chocolate and buscuits in our pjs. We had a go at chocolate tombola, lucky dip and guess the Christmas sloth's name. A big thank you to PTFA for organising it. 

This week's awards are going to...

This week, the Head Teacher's Award certificate was awarded to all Year 3 children for their outstanding behaviour during our visit to the church. 

Congratulations to Year 3 who achieved their Bronze Award and a big well done to our Good to Be Green raffle winners. 

Handwriting Awards Autumn 2 2021

Congratulations to our handwriting winners this term. These children have been selected to win an award for either great overall handwriting and presentation or for an improvement and super effort with their handwriting. Their work will be proudly displayed at the front of school for all to see. 

Well done!

Y6 Star of the week 3-12-21

Congratulations to our Y6 Superstars Joshua and Niamh.

Joshua is so hardworking in class and really enjoyed our geography work this week using 4 and 6-figure grid references.

Niamh has put great effort into improving her writing and I am very proud of her.

Albert and Scarlett won the good to be green award for great behaviour and attitude towards their learning. 

Darcy won the handwriting award in Year 6 this term for her excellent presentation skills. 
