School Blog

Cross Country Grand Prix

Broadbent Fold pupils gave up their Saturday morning to represent school in the second cross country race of the year. A big well done to everyone who took part.

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 12th

Maisie 25th

Isabelle 35th

Year 3/4 Boys

Sam 10th

Oliver 43rd

Josh 45th

James 46th

Jake 48th

Year 5/6 Girls

Laura 14th

Year 5/6 Boys 

Xander 8th

Tyler 23rd

Stars of the week 12th November

Year 1 have had another fantastic week. 

Theo has impressed us with his Maths skills on shapes this week and Cooper has impressed us in assembly with both pupils getting the headteachers award. 

Well done to Bella and Luke for staying on green all week and being fantastic role models.

Marshall got the PE trophy for getting changed independently and joining in with all of the football activities inop our PE lessons. 

A final well done to all those children who have got 50 star points and recieved their bronze award. 

Anti-bullying week

This week is anti-bullying week. Today, we are wearing odd socks to raise money and awareness that each and everyone of us are different and unique. We have been learning about recognising stereotypes and visible difference.

Anti Bullying Week in Y4

Year 4 were fully prepared to show their differences in support of anti-bullying week today with their odd socks. They have been very proactive in ensuring that bullying doesn't happen in year 4 and if anyone needs help or a friend that they are there for them and they know who to go to for help. 

Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday Xavier represented our school and lay our Broadbent Fold wreath alongside Mr Moon our governor. Thank you both, we are very proud. 

Be Kind Online!

This week is anti- bullying week.

Children as part of their e-safety learning will discuss how to be kind online.

Think about what would you do if someone was being unkind to you or your friend? (This could be online or in person)

Share the ideas of how to be kind with your teacher and friends. At home share how to keep safe online.

Remember be kind.

Year 6 Stars of the week 12-11-21

Congratulations this week to Bradley and Albert our Y6 Superstars!

Albert has completed so much work whilst at home- I am really proud of your efforts well done.

Bradley impressed me in maths looking at statements about multiples to prove or disprove. Super work Bradley.

Our Good to be Green Award goes to Maisie and Ava who always follow the school values.


Top of the Timestable Charts

Fantastic results for Year 4 on the England Rocks Battle of the Bands this week as we won by a landslide. Theo was the most valuable player in school with Lucy being the third. I'm very proud of the all effort the children put into the competition. Well done everyone in Year 4. 
