School Blog

Safe Squad Workshop

Today we were joined by the Safe Squad team. We learnt about fire safety, CPR training, online safety and hate crimes and peer pressure.

The children joined in maturely and learned lots of safety advice. 

It's a mystery?

To introduce our new English work this week we looked at a collection of clues and worked in groups to discuss theories to explain what could have happened.

We had lots of theories including shark attacks, mad scientists and archaelogical digs! We are now looking forward to delving into our new adventure stories next week. 

Superstars this week!

Well done to the children who received this weeks Head-teachers, Good to be Green, handwriting and bronze awards (achieving 50 star points!) Year 2 also received a class Head-teacher award, for their super efforts with their Phonics this week. Well done everybody!

Brilliant Year 4

A fantastic week for Year 4 this week especially during test week. I've been impressed by Isabelle and Kade's hard work and Maisie and Nathan's fantastic behaviour. Well done to our bronze winners and our handwriting champion. Well done Year 4. 

Year 5 learn essential skills with Bikeabiity team!

Year 5 were disappointed this week when the downfall of snow caused their Bikeability sessions to be cancelled.  However, the Bikeability team visited the class and took the opportunity to teach the childen some important skills about looking after their bikes using the  "M check".  This a basic safety check of all the main working parts of a bike, moving from the front hub backward. The check is named after the way you follow the shape of the letter M when checking the bike. It's a useful pattern to follow and helps you quickly identify any problems with the bike.

Church visit by Year 3

The Christmas Story was retold to us at Holy Trinity Church by Gary and the wonderful volunteer.

Children listened to each stage of the Christmas story and they had an aim to find out what happened to Mary.

In class children wrote a recount of The Christmas Story.

Advent Challenge- a time to think of others!

The Season of Advent is a time for thinking of others and challenging yourself to be the best possible!

That’s something that people of all faiths can get involved with so here is an  Advent Challenge with a difference.

On the attached for every day there is a different challenge to complete.

Stars of the Week 26th November

Year 1 have been working extra hard this week in lots of different subjects and with the Nativity.

Lily got the headteachers award for always making everyone smile and Tilly got it for her amazing Maths work on subtraction. 

A big well done to Alfie and Eva who have been fantastic role models and stayed on green all week winning the good to be green pencils. 

Congratulations to Tilly, Ella and Alice who have earmed 50 star points and recieved their bronze award. 

Keep up the hard work Year 1!

Friday Awards

It's been another busy week in Year 3 and all the children have been working incredibly hard. 

A special well done to our stars of the week who received their Head Teacher's Awards for their efforts and great attitude to learning. Congratulations to our Good to be Green prize winners who follow our school rules. Thank you for being Ready, Respectful and Safe. 

Keep up the great work! 

Super work!

Well done to everybody who received an award in todays merit assembly. You have all been working so hard this week! Keep it up! 
