School Blog

Stars of the week 15th October

Year 1 have been working exceptionally hard this week, especially with their Supertato stories. A big well done to those children who have stayed on green all week too. Keep up all the hard work Year 1!

Fronted Adverbials Hunt

Today, we have been learning about fronted adverbials. We read sentences and had to decide if they had fronted adverbials or not. We also sorted fronted adverbials into three groups; manner, place and time. Then we used fronted adverbials in our own sentences. 

Space Week in Year 3

To celebrate Space Week Year 3 visited an inflatble planetarium. We learned about the planets in our solar system and found out about Mars Rover and its mission to Mars. We also discussed how the moon seems to change its shape over time. We learnt about the phases of the Moon and conducted our own experiment to see how the light affects the shape of the moon as we see it travels around the Earth. We used a torch to represent the sun, a small ball to represent the moon and we had one person in the middle to represent the Earth. 

Stars of the week

Congratulations to Reuben and Ethan in year 6 this week.

Reuben has persevered with long multiplication looking at 4 digit numbers multiplied by 2 digit numbers. This is not always easy as there many steps to follow so well done Reuben.

Ethan has written an incredible balanced argument about whether home schooling is good for children. I am impressed with his formal vocabulary and detailed viewpoints.

Well done to Sophie and Niamh who won the good to be green raffle for following the school values.

World Space Week

Year 6 have enjoyed World Space Week. We visited the planetarium on Monday. The children were amazed at how realistic it was and loved finding out lots of interesting facts about space. We have also looked at space texts in our guided reading this week. The children have then looked at some artwork by artist Peter Thorpe and created their own 'out of this world' pictures. I will upload some pictures of their finished artwork next week. 

Year 4 Super Stars

A massive congratulations to our merit winner Lucy and Summer for their excellent attitude towards their learning. Also to Eva, Evie and Ellis for earning their good to be green pencils. Exceptional work. 

Victorians for a day!

Finally the day came for Year 5's visit to Quarry Bank Mill!  Dressed in Victorian clothes, they arrived as a group of poor workhouse children who were about to start as apprentices in the apprentice House.  They learnt about the gruelling jobs they would have to do, the terrible food they'd have to eat and heard tales about the dangers of working in the Mill. The guides were so impressed with Year 5's respectful behaviour and their enthusiasm for learning.  What a brilliant class you are Year 5!  We are very proud of you!  Mrs Blomeley

Broadbent Fold vs Arlies

The girls football team had a fantastic first match against Arlies Primary School with Broadbent Fold winning 13-0. Laura got player of the match for her fantastic teamwork and for scoring 4 goals for the team. Thank you to Arlies for hosting the match. 
