School Blog

Victorian Hot Seating in Year 5!

To help them with ideas to write their Victorian diaries, Year 5 created some Hot Seating this week.  They asked questions to children from the workhouse to empathise with their lives.  I was impressed with the amazing role play and sensible questions from the class!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children in Year 5 who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behavior this week!  We are very proud of all of you.  Mrs Blomeley

Stars of the week

Congratulations to Year 3 children who received Headteacher's Award, Good to Be Green Prizes and a Sports Person of the week. Well done!

Well done!

Well done to the children who received our Head Teachers award and Good to be Green awards this week! Keep up the hard work everybody! 

Learning so far....

Year 1 have been working so hard since we came back from the Summer holidays. Look at all the exciting things we have been doing.

Year 5 Freddie Fit Ambassadors!

Year 5 were amazing ambassadors for Freddie Fit's Circuit Training this week!  They spent two intense sessions training on Tuesday and then worked with Year 2 and Year 3 children on Wednesday as Learning Leaders.  They showed great maturity and skill when they demonstrated the activities to the younger children who worked so hard.  What brilliant role models Year 5 are!  We are very proud of you all!  Mrs Blomeley

Victorian Playground Games in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed playing some of the playground games from the Victorian times!  These included Hopscotch, skipping and football, as well as doing the actions to Ring a Ring a Roses and Oranges and Lemons, which was great fun!  Mrs Blomeley

Reception Challenge Grid

Attached is a challenge/home learning grid packed with ideas and activities for anybody at home self isolating or anyone who wants to do some extra learning.  All activities are linked to our topic  - Autumn and the Little Red Hen.

Mrs Kleban

Freddie Fit

Today Freddie Fit visited us and we did lots of different exercises. Year 5 leaders showed us what to do on each station and helped us move around the ‘circuit for life’.
