School Blog

Amazing Art in Y6

Year 6 have produced some outstanding artwork this week. They have practised different printing skills throughout the week. They then worked collaboratively and then independently to create an 'Andy warhol' inspired printed picture. Please take the time to look at the photographs attached underneath. Some of this work could easily be sold in a shop.

I am so impressed with you all Year 6!!

Outdoor Learning in Y6

On Thursday 20th May Year 6 completed a 'Maths Scavenger Hunt' in our local environment. This was linked with some of our geometry work which we have completed over the last couple of weeks. They worked well in pairs to find as many things as they could. 

Y6 Stars of the week 21-5-21

Well doen to our Y6 Stars of the week Hattie and Holly who have achieved a Merit certificate today.

Holly has produced some outstanding artwork this week based on the artist Andy Warhol.

Hattie has throroughly planned, written and edited a suspense story using fantatsic vocabulary, effective dialogue and figurative language.

Poppy M has achieved the Headteacher's Award for her fantastic art skills. Her multi-colour printing block of a scorpion could be put on sale in a shop. I would certainly buy it.

Y5 Outdoor Learning Day

What an amazing morning Year 5 had creating a shelter for the whole class and using natural materials to make a sculpture like Andy Goldsworthy does. Have a look at how they worked together and what they created. 

South Pole Explorer Workshop

Year 1 had a virtual workshop with a South Pole Explorer today. We learnt all about what they would need to take on a South Pole expedition, what it is like in Antarctica and we got to ask lots of questions. We loved finding out that the explorers had to wash themselves with ice and even used ice instead of toilet paper! We found it funny that it was that cold that one of the explorers had an icicle hanging off his nose!

Tree spotters!

As part of Year 3's outdoor learning children explored the great outside and looked closely at trees and leaves. On our school field we have hornbeam and silver birch trees. We used iPads to photograph trees and leaves. In class we sketched leaves and trees.

We hope our school will be tree champions. 

Which trees can you identify?


Freddy Fit

Year 1 loved taking part in the Freddy Fit circuit training session and had fun completing all the different activities - hula hooping, lunges, star jumps, squat jumps and more! 

Perfect Pyjama Day

Year 3 had a brilliant day supporting Pyjamarama fundraising campaign! We shared our favourite stories with our friends and played Who Am I game where we had to ask questions and guess book character's name. 

Y5 Arts Award

Year 5 have had an amazing morning creating images for our mural. Today, they used pastels and watercolours to create a tree collage. Look at the amazing images they've created. 

Y6 Stars of the week 14-5-21

Congratulations to our Y6 Stars of the week Niamh and Amelia.

Niamh joined in with our Speakers Trust Workshop with confidence even though she felt a little nervous. Fantastic efforts Niamh- this is a difficult thing to do.

Amelia is incredibly hardworking in the class and always joins in with enthusiasm and positivity. You are a fantastic role model. 

Noah achieved the Headteacher's Award for his fantastic public speaking skills- perhaps a future Prime Minister :)
