School Blog

Burpees in Y6

Yesterday Y6 completed their burpees challenge. We practised, paired up and counted how many burpees we could complete in two minutes.

We had a three-way tie- Coban, Freya and Reuben. Well done for completing a whopping 55 burpees. I was so tired watching you!

Sonny was voted as the person who displayed great teamwork.

Worry Wizard

The Worry Wizard will be part of my assemblies in school. This will link to home learning and activities that can be done in school and at home. Together, our school community will embark on an exciting journey to understand what Wellbeing is and how we can all support it.

More information can be found:

Den building

Year 2 had a fantastic time building dens, identifying leaves and exploring the forest school area.

Invertebrate Hunt

As part of our science curriculum, Year 6 searched for invertebrates in the local environment today. The fun and excitement during the activity was lovely to see. They found many invertebrates which they used a classification key to identify.

I have attached the key to use at home if they would like to continue their searches and send in photographs of any more discoveries. 

Fun at Forest School

The second group of Year 1 realy enjoyed their first forest school session.  They played the forest ranger game, learnt about different trees, did some leaf bashing (Hapa zome), bark rubbing and made dinner in the mud kitchen!

Y6 Creative Homework Projects

Year 6 have amazed us with their fantastic home learning over the Easter holidays. They have been researching plants and animals that have adpated to live in deserts across the world. They then either produced a desert biome model or an information booklet which they then shared with the rest of the class. You all seemed to really enjoy this task and your enthusiasm was very evident when sharing your favourite or most interesting facts with us. 

The work has been displayed in the year 6 classroom or in our library area.

Well done to everbody for joining in. 

Y6 Stars of the week 23-4-21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the week Cerys and Sam.

Cerys has worked incredibly hard in English this week trying to use varied sentences and effective vocabulary in her writing. Fantastic work Cerys.

Sam always approaches work with a mature and enthusiastic attitude. He particularly shines in maths lessons.

Ethan has been awared the Headteachers Award this week for his fantatstic creative homework project creating a desert biome. Super home learning.

Handa's Surprise

Today Year 1 have had a busy morning trying lots of fruit from our Handa's Surprise story. Although we thought the avocado was disgusting, we tried some new fruits that we really liked. We thought of los of excellent adjectives to describe the different fruits too. 
