School Blog

Home Learning

For Year 3 children that may be isolating we have added a challenge sheet on with a range of activities to complete at home. In addition to this see below for activities that can be completed:

When isolating please complete:

  • Seesaw- online activities
  • Dynamo maths

•Regular handwriting using the ‘letter join’ handwriting scheme

•Play education spelling games- we can view scores on education city

•Aim to complete at least one of the pages from Year 3 KS2 English Comprehension Targeted Question Book (paper booklet) 


Y6 Stars of the week 1-4-21

Well done to our Y6 Stars of the week Hattie and Reuben.

Hattie is staring to have more self-belief which is lovely to see. Keep this up!

Reuben has impressed me with his focus and attention in his narrative writing this week.

Lily has won the Headteachers Award for her thoughtful, positive attitude in the class. She is a delight to teach.

Sonny has won the Sports Award trophy for his fantastic cricket skills.

Wwll done to everybody for a lovely half term. Enjoy your holidays :))

Year 4's Happy Healthy Smiles!

To bring their Teeth & Digestion Science topic to a close, Year 4 welcomed Alisha, a Dental Hygiene Technician, into the class yesterday!  She demonstrated the correct way to brush your teeth, with a little help from some children!  She also talked about the importance of eating healthy food to keep your teeth in good condition.  Alisha was so impressed with Year 4's knowledge and the sensible questions they asked.  Well done Year 4!  You made me very proud! Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's EGGceptional Creations!

Year 4's Egg Creations for the Easter Competition were just "EGGceptional"!  We were so impressed with their entries it was EGGstremely difficult to choose the winners!  Well done to everyone for their time and effort.  Mrs Blomeley

Egg-cellent Easter egg entries

Well done to everyone in Year 6 who joined in our Easter egg competition. 

I love how creative all of your ideas are.

Well done to our lucky winners- it was avery tough decision to choose winners!!

Y5 Summer Term Activities

Dear All,

I do hope that you've had a fabulous Easter break and the children are all ready to get back to school tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to this new topic. Just a few reminders: 1. Tomorrow is spy day so the children can come in their disguise. 2. The children will need their equipment to make their spy gadget. 3. PE is staying on Wednesdays and Fridays Please find attached the half term plan and home learning activities for this half term . See you all tomorrow Kind regards Ms McCoy

Y5 Eggcellent competition winners

Eggcellent entries in our Y5 Egg creation competition from Y5. We were very impressed by the amount of entries and the creativity. Fabulous work Y5! Well done to Ayden, Brooke, Roban and Matilda, who were our winners this year. 

Times Table of the Week!

It's back!  By popular demand we are re-starting Times Table of the Week!  Every Monday we will choose two new times table facts (one for Key Stage 1 and one for Key Stage 2).  These facts will be displayed in every classroom and in key areas around the school.  Teachers and other staff will ask children about the initial fact, as well as all the other facts they can derive from it.  For example, if 2 x 9 = 18, what is 18 divided by 2?  We hope that parents can get involved too!  Thank you for your support!  Mrs Blomeley

Nursery Home Learning 29th March

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant
