School Blog

Year 4's Terrific Tudors!

Year 4 have been enjoying Hot Seating and Freeze Framing, leading up to writing and performing their Tudor play scripts!  They've been creating settings and dressing in Tudor costumes, as well as presenting their incredible Tudor houses!  Brilliant work Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Easter Week- a time for reflection

Last week, children and staff at Broadbent Fold took time to reflect on it being a year since the start of Covid and the first lockdown.

Easter for many is the most important time of year, a time to reflect on the Easter story and importance of hope.

Have a look at the muddychurch website, attached are some examples, the social media/website has a range of enjoyable activities to make children and adults reflect and think. Share your activities on Seesaw for class teachers to see.

World hunger presentations

To finish our topic about developing countries Year 6 have been researching ways to help reduce global hunger. The UN have 17 sustainable goals which they want to reach by 2030. Goal number 2 is to stop global hunger. The children produced posters which they presented to the class with ideas for how to help reduce world hunger.

Y6 Stars of the week 26-3-21

Well done to our Y6 star's of the week Maisie, Isabel and Poppy M. 

Maisie and Isabel worked together really well to research and then present information about how to reduce world hunger as part of our topic about developing countries.

Poppy has been learning her 3 X table and has already made great improvements.

Sam has been given the Headteachers Award for great biography writing about Sam Beaver King who was part of the Windrush generation.


Hockey in Y6

Year 6 have enjoyed working with our Sports Coach Aidan over the last few weeks practising their hockey skills.

I am really impressed with their posture, balance and co-ordination. 

Mathematics outdoors

Year 6 investigated if shapes could have the same area but different perimeters outside this week.

Great outdoor learning! 

Handwriting winners spring 2

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Spring 2:

Nursery- Aliza

Reception- Ella

Year 1- Mia

Year 2- Alyssia

Year 3- Lucy

Year 4- Heidi

Year 5- Ava 

Year 6 - Freya

We are using a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.
