School Blog

Mia's Amazing Work

Mia has been very busy with her home learning. She has joined in with all the Zoom classes this week and loved the phonics scavenger hunt. She has been busy practising her spellings, number and reading skills. Fantastic work Mia! Keep it up!

Lottie's Amazing Learning

Lottie has been working really hard on her home learning. She has written a fantastic story about Barbie's adventure to a waterpark. I am so impressed with your use of adjectives and that you have been extending your sentences. She has also been working hard on her 5 times table and her spellings. Lottie has drawn a picture of her favourite doll by thinking about the different shapes she can see. Keep up the super work Lottie!

Cycle to School

Our year 6s have cycled to school this week and have used our new bike rack. A great way to travel. 

What a beautiful day it is today.

Hope you are all well and safe.



Dominic's Marvellous House

Dominic has created a fabulous wolf proof house.  I love your story characters, they are fantastic!

I love your super sharing work too!  I hope you had a sneaky cake as well, they look delicious!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

Lottie's Sensational Science

Lottie has been busy conducting some super science investigations with her lab kit.  You look very professional in your goggles Lottie!

Keep up all your hard work!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban
