School Blog

Year 4 Home Learning for w/c 6th July 2020

Here are this week’s activities, some of which will be linked to our Zoom sessions.   If you are unable to make Zoom. you can still do the activities from the attached sheets.  Click "Read more" to access the Home Learning grid and the other documents you will need. If you haven’t done so already, try to join Seesaw so that you can access other linked activities and upload your work, send voice messages, video clips and notes.   Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 6 home learning- 6th July

Here are some ideas for your home learning this week.

Please complete some extra homework if you are back.

Our topic is called ‘Why were the Mayans marvellous?’

Some ideas will be based on the themes we are covering in class.

Press read more to see this weeks attachments. 

Year 2 Home Learning Grid w/b 6th July 2020

 We do hope you’re all well and enjoying our Seaside topic. Here is our Home Learning Grid for the week beginning 6th July.  Some of the activities on the grid will be linked to our Zoon lessons. If you are unable to join Zoom sessions you can still complete the activities from the attached sheets. If you haven’t done so already, try to join Seesaw so that you can access other activities and upload your work, photos and send video clips. Click on read more to access the documents.

 Miss Laitl and Mrs Neary


Niamh's Anglo Saxon PowerPoint and Reading

Fantastic reading skills Niamh and a wonderful PowerPoint. Great work on your test style questions for reading. It was really interesting to find out about the Anglo Saxons and their Crime and Punishment. I can't believe it was 50 shillings for a lost foot! Trial by community is a very interesting idea. Brilliant work Niamh. Well done. Miss Glenn. 

Maisie's Marvellous Home Learning

Well done Maisie, those cakes look amazing. Great work following the Anglo-Saxon recipe using dates, butter, oats and cinnamon, mixing it all together and baking. What did they taste like? Great work researching Anglo-Saxons too, great wy to keep your hands warm whilst doing it, toasty! Super duper Maisie. Miss Glenn.  

Year 3 Home Learning Grid w/b 6th July 2020

Dear Year 3,


We do hope that you're all still keeping well and that you enjoyed your World War 2 cookery. Next week (w/b 6th July) we are focusing on the role of women during the war. Please click on the Read More section below to access the activities.

Kind regards

Ms McCoy and Mrs Slate

