School Blog

Dylan and Elliot's Tour of Tameside

Dylan and Elliot have done lots of walking whilst they have been off school and have completed the Tour of Tameside 7 mile challenge. On their walks they have been Geocaching where they have searched for hidden 'caches' using GPS coordinates. One of the caches they found was in an old WW2 bunker! How cool is that! What a fantastic achievement boys, well done!

Summer Reading

During the summer holidays can you take part in a reading challenge?

Tameside libraries are doing the Silly Squad reading challenge- find the details on their website:

Also you can take part in the Summer Reading Bingo challenge- download the bingo board A or B. If you complete a board and bring back your 'full house' in September you will win a special certificate. 

Sports Week Competition Results

It is the moment you have all been waiting for to see who has won the balancing competition and Virtual Sports Day Pentathlon from Sports Week. I was amazed by the efforts everyone put in to all the different activities that they did! Well done to everyone who took part.


The balancing competition winners are...

EYFS = Dominic

KS1 = Ruby

KS2 = Niamh


The winners in the Virtual Sports Day Pentathlon are...

Speed bounce = Noah (EYFS), Evie (KS1) and Henry (KS2)

Around the world = Amelia (EYFS), Ruby (KS1) and Aarron (KS2)

Reception Home Learning - 13th July

Here is this week's home learning.

Miss Spalding and I had a wonderful two weeks with you all.  It was so good to see all your smiley faces!  Parents, you have done a fantastic job at home schooling, they really impressed us!

Thank you all so much for your lovely gifts, it has been a real privilege teaching your children this year, I am so very proud of everything they have achieved in such difficult times!

I would like to wish them all the very best for year 1 and I will miss them all very much!

I will update Education City today.

Mrs Kleban


Year 1 Online Learning Week Beginning 13th July

Whilst you are in lockdown, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact

Year 4 Home Learning for w/c 13th July 2020

Here are this week’s activities.   If you are unable to make our Zoom session on Friday, please try to complete the sheet A Year to Remember so that your memory can be included in my presentation.  Click "Read more" to access the Home Learning grid and the other documents you will need.
