School Blog


This week we have made our own model Beegu using clay. She is an alien from the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon which we are currently reading in class.

More work from Aidan

A lovely flag design Aidan- I like the motto that you have included on it.

Great research about how rainbows are formed too for your science learning. 

Year 4 Home Learning Autumn 1

If you are self-isolating at home, here are some links and documents to help you with your learning.  Please click "read more" to access the attachments.

MATHS: Roman Numerals powerpoint, worksheet and answers.  MyMaths homework will be set.  Log onto Times Table Rockstars to practise your times tables.

How did the Romans change Britain?

Year 4 are enjoying their first topic - How did the Romans change Britain?   The children have many questions to answer such as When and why did the Romans invade Britain?  Where did they live?  What did they eat?  Who did they fight?  They are working hard to gather the facts by reading our class texts to help them understand what life was really like for Roman soldiers almost two thousand years ago.  Mrs Blomeley

Welcome to Year 4! Meet our other halves!

Year 4 used the halved photographs of their "school selves" to create the other half of the picture, which reveals their "other selves."  We think you will agree that they are amazing!"  We have some budding artists in our midst!  Mrs Blomeley

Niamh's home learning

Great rounding Niamh- you have really grasped how to do this. 

I like your diary entry for the weekend- it sounds like you had a great time.

Super research on the British Monarchs and Isaac Newton too.

I cannot rotate the images- sorry!

Great work :)


In Year 1, we have had a very busy day today! We have read the Supertato story, wrote a list of all the things that we would need Supertato to have and created our very own Supertato's! Watch out Evil Pea!
