School Blog

Settling In

What a fabulous first few weeks we have had. Everyone has settled in beautifully. We are going to have an amazing year!

Autumn Suncatchers

We have made beautiful Autumn Suncatchers using a variety of materials. We have displayed them on our washing line so we can watch them sparkle.

Welcome to Nursery

We have all had such an amazing time in our first few weeks in Nursery. The children have settled well and have all made lots of new friends. I am very proud of you all!

Niamh's busy week

Niamh you have been very busy at home. I am impressed that you have started using the White Rose Parent books that were sent home for this half term. You will be up to speed with everybody else when you return. Great science work drawing an impressive scientific diagram of the eye. 

Please make sure you read the attached PowerPoint that Niamh has made about Henry VIII. Not only is it well organised and thorough you have also showed off your great ICT skills.

Excellent home learning Niamh :)

Coban's home learning

You have been very scientific in your explanation about how rainbows are formed- you have shared some facts that I didn't know. Very informative Coban. I like your scrapbook diary too- it shows off your creative flair. You have completed very thorough research about artist Keith Haring and Isaac Newton. Maybe now you could make an art piece in the style of Keith Haring :)

Excellent home learning Coban. 

Laura's Home Learning

Laura I am impressed with your writing about Victorian Britain- your presentation is lovely and neat. Well done for practising your handwriting skills at home.

I like your Victorian menu design too- keep up the good work. :)

Unfortunately I could not turn the photographs the right way up.

Mrs Howard

Matilda's Victorian carriage

Well done Matilda for your creative home learning creating Queen Victoria and Albert in a carriage from Lego.  I am impressed with how many facts you remembered!

I like how you have taken a photo of your carriage against the background of a Victorian street. It looks really authentic :)

