School Blog

Y6 Stars of the week 16-10-20

Congratulations to this weeks stars of the week.

Sam has quickly grasped the tricky method of using long division. Mrs Anson was so impressed with how you just 'got it'.

Lily has impressed us with her creative skills producing amazing art work in the style of street artist Keith Haring.

Fantastic work from both of you. 

Handwriting winners Autumn 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 1:

Nursery- Daisy

Reception- Olivia

Year 1- Millie

Year 2- Lolly

Year 3- Sam

Year 4- Seth

Year 5- Sophie

Year 6 - Lucy 

We have started to use a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have made a great start and have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

Reception Home Learning - 16.10.20

Please find attached our home learning for today.  I have added a couple of extra attachments for inspiration.

Please have another look at the phonics videos and have a go at some of the games on Education City.

Don't forget to send me any photographs of the Challenge Me running event too!

Missing you all!

Mrs Kleban

Reception Home Learning

Good morning Reception,

Here is the link to the phonics home learning grid.  I have added some videos to watch and a little activity at the bottom.  You can send me photographs of your writing on Seesaw.

There is a shape activity on Seesaw for you all to have a go of as well.

Education City is online too.

Looking forward to seeing all your photographs!

Mrs Kleban 

International Spanish Day

Year 5 had a fantastic day food testing and finding out about what shops are on a Spanish high street. They were able to create sentences using....En mi calle hay...., and collect data about their favourite places to visit. Look at the Spanish town squares they made too. 

Space week

Year 5 have been examining the solar system throughout space week and writing diaries as if they're an astronaut. They have so many questions about space that I'm happy it is one of our major topics in Y5. 

An explosive start to Year 3

As part of Year 3's Creative homework children have made a range of models, some have made a paper mache hot air balloon and painted them. We have even had model volcanoes which children have confidently shared with the class, explaining and demonstrating models and even getting them to explode!!  

A huge thank you and well done to all Year 3.

