School Blog

Would a dragon be a good friend?

Our new topic for this half term is all about Kings, Queens, castles and dragons. In December we then move on to look at Christmas. See the attached document for all the things your child is going to be learning at school.

Year 4 Home Learning Autumn Term 2

Please see the attached Home Learning grid for this half term. If your child is self-isolating or home learning they can choose from the grid of activities.  Please send pictures of learning via Seesaw or send to if you wish for the work to be shared on the class blog.  (Click "read more" to access the document.)  Other home learning activities include:

Reception Home Learning - 2.11.20

Here is the home learning for anyone self isolating this week.

we will be revising all the phase 2 sounds in phonics this week in class.  I have attached the last two weeks work and videos to revise.

Please email or call school if you need anything.

Stay safe

Mrs Kleban

Do you know how to keep safe online?

2020 is providing lots of opportunities for learning online. Below is an overview of some of the areas of Computing that children could be accessing as part of their home school learning.

E-SAFETY Home Learning 

As part of our Computing curriculum and RSE/PSHE lessons e-safety lessons are taught. 

We ask children how do they keep safe online?

Nursery Home Learning

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating, the attached grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Year 6 Autumn 2 Topic Information and Home Learning

Look at the attached document with our topic information for this half term. Our topic is 'Did we used to be apes?'

Also attached is the home learning grid for this half term. If your child is self-isolating or home learning they can choose from the grid of activities.

Please send pictures of learning via the Seesaw app or using the school email if you wish for the work to be shared on the class blog. 

Other home learning activities include:

Reading - individual school books, tameside libraries- borrow box, books/comics or magazines from home

Our first term of Forest School

Everyone has had a fantastic time at Forest School this term.  They have been lighting 'fairy blankets', using tools safely for whittling and sawing logs to make wood cookies.  The children have also played new games, made natural paint brushes, identified leaves, balanced on the slackline and played in the mud.  Each group has been cooking in the mud kitchen and they have made smores by toasting marshmallows on the campfire.  What a busy few weeks.  I am very proud of them all!


Halloween Fun in Year 4!

Thanks to the PTFA, who delivered toilet rolls and spiders to the classroom,  Year 4 had a great time playing Dressing the Mummy and other Halloween games on Friday!  A brilliant end to the half term!  Mrs Blomeley

Happy Halloween

What a fantastic half term we have had in year 2! Today we have played lots of fun Halloween games. Have a fab half term! Thank you for all your hard work. Mrs Neary.
