School Blog

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

More fantastic examples of using Maths at home.  Elwin is sequencing using Lego!  A very important skill to learn!  Meanwhile, Aubrey is using Maths whilst enjoying Maisie's dance moves!  What a brilliant idea!  Good Luck to you both and well done!  Mrs Blomeley


Remembrance Day in Y6

To commemorate Remembrace Day Year 6 have created their own idividual poppies which they then used to make these fantastic wreaths.

Great teamwork year 6!

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here are our first two brilliant entries to the Maths at Home competition!   Firstly, Albert is checking the temperature of his new fridge/freezer and working out the difference between their temperatures of -18 and 3 degress  (answer 21 degrees).  Meanwhile, Matilda is helping her daddy to make sure the new worktops are straight with the spirit level, checking angles and measuring with a tape measure to cut the plinth.  These are both great examples of using Maths at Home!  Thank you and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley




Beebot Fun

Year 1 are learning all about coding this half term. We started by playing with the beebots to understand how to input an algorithm.

Bonfire Night

Year 1 learnt all about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We then made chocolate apples and firework pictures using oil pastels.

Remembrance Sunday

Our Broadbent Fold wreath was laid in Dukinfield yesterday by our governor Mr Moon, his granddaughter Lily (in year 6) and his family.

Thank you. 

Lest We Forget.

COMPETITION! Maths At Home for Maths Week England 2020

As part of MATHS WEEK ENGLAND 2020, we are hosting a competition based on MATHS AT HOME.  We all use Maths at home in some way.  For example. telling the time, using scales to measure when cooking and baking, using fractions when slicing cake or pizza and so on.  The list is endless!  Ask your children for ideas!
