School Blog

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Mason wanted to show how he uses Maths in a fun way at home with his toys. He has lined the bricks up on his train in number order and loves playing his wooden shut the box game. He rolls the two dice and adds the numbers up to be able to knock the wooden numbers down.  Wow!  This is impressive Mason!  What a great example of using Maths at home!  Well done and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley



Year 4 Maths on the Move Home Challenge Sheet!

There are some great activities on this "Maths on the Move" Home Challenge Sheet.  I really like the Roman Numeral Stick challenge which you should all be able to do!  See this link to find out the right way to do a Burpee!  

Don't forget to send me photographs of any the challenges you manage to complete!  You can send them on Seesaw or to the office on Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Maths Week England - Rock Out 2020 Results!

Wow!  Well done to everyone who took part in last week's online competition ROCK OUT 2020!  Over 60 children from Key Stage 2 in our school worked hard to score an amazing 45,104!  For a school of our size that is a score to be proud of.

Here are the results of the top scorers overall, and from each class.  Their certificate have all been sent!

Whole school results:  Most valuable player:  Brooke (Year 5)  2nd: Kacie (Year 6)  3rd: Harriet (Year 4)  4th: Kasia (Year 4)

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here is Sonny's Maths at Home challenge!   Different questions were placed on the top of the basketball net and Sonny had to choose the ball with the right answer on and then score!  What a brilliant idea and a very clever combination of Maths and Sport!  Well done Sonny and Good Luck!

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here is Millie demonstrating how she uses Maths at Home - counting her money in her money jar!  This is a very important job!  Wow Millie - you look very rich!  Well done and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Dylan's Maths at Home challenge was to sort through, and put in order, his latest set of books, "Beast Quest", which have been handed down from his brother.  He found that there are 31 books in total and he has just started reading Book 1 this week! A great way to link Maths and Reading! Well done Dylan and Good Luck! Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Daniel enjoyed his Maths at Home measuring task!  Armed with his tape measure, he found the length of different items around the house and recorded them. Well done Daniel and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley
