School Blog

Y6 Stars of the week 20-11-20

Congratulations Niamh- I have noticed you taking part in our street dance with confidence and enjoyment. Great moves!

Well done to Poppy for working independently in class- keep up the great work. 

Year 5 Home Learning 20th- 25th November 2020

Dear Parents, Carers

I do hope that you are all keeping safe and staying well. Please find attached the home learning for Friday 20th November to Wednesday 25th November. If your child completes any work, please post it on Seesaw, where I aim to review it daily. Further zoom links will be sent to you via School Ping on a daily basis.

If you have any issues, worries or concerns, do not hesitate to contact

Year 4's Amazing Home Learning!

During this week of isolation, Year 4 have created some amazing pieces of home learning!  One of the tasks on their Home Learning grid was to create a Christmas English flag!  Here is a selection of their work, with flags from Henry, Dylan, Daniel, Abigail and Lexi.   Making a symmetrical patten was one of the Maths on the Move tasks and we have a great example from Sam who used Stickle Bricks very effectively.  Finally, we have an amazing dinosaur from Xander, who used his creative pens!  Well done Year 4.  This is brilliant work!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here's Sam looking very pleased with himself after counting up his money from his pirate money box! Sam used multiplication and addition to get to the total. Great Maths at home! Well done Sam and Good Luck! Mrs Blomeley


Year 3 have enjoyed making their own dance routines up with a series of 6 steps/actions. Each week children take part in Dance as part of their PE with Tameside Sports' Coaches. 

Carrie's War

Reading our class text Carrie's War has given children an insight into how it must have felt being a child during WW2.

ChIldren said that they would have felt scared, worried and may have had butterflies in their stomach!  They did not like the idea of leaving their parents. 

Marvellous multiplying

Year 3 have been using both grouping and arrays to calculate multiplication questions.

Can you draw or make an array to show; 5 X 6  ?

Year 3 Autumn 2 Home School Learning


  • Regular reading several times a week
  • Spellings- sent home weekly in a spelling journal book
  • Mymaths- online maths activities, individual children's log in details are needed 
  • Seesaw online-individual codes have been sent home and are needed to share home learning and complete a wide range of activities 

Half Termly

Forest school with Year 6

Year 6 have had a fanatstic time in their forest school session last week playing the fun bear, salmon, mosquito game.  They have also been safely whittling sticks with potato peelers, making dens and playing on the mud slide.

Year 5 making blobsters in Forest School

Y5 have had a fantastic time in their forest school sessions over the last 2 weeks.  The have been playing one of their favourite games called forest ranger, using ID charts to identify leaves and trees and creating wonderful blobsters to look after our forest. 
