School Blog

Our Fantastic Writing

This half term we have been using the text 'The Egg' by M P Robertson. Here is some of our independent writing retelling the story. Miss Mainprize and Mrs Jones were very impressed with everyone.

Chinese Dragons

We learnt how dragons can be signs of good luck in other cultures. We used folding and coiling to make these amazing Chinese Dragons. 

Superhero Day

Year 1 had Superhero Day to celebrate all their hard work on superheroes last half term. We dressed up as our favourite superheroes, did a superhero obstacle course to save a dragon and some live artwork. We had lots of fun!


Year 1 learnt about all the Hindu celebrations of Diwali. We then created our own rangoli patterns using brightly coloured pasta.

WW2 Workshop

Today, Year 3 experienced a Blitz school. They heard air raid sirens, hid in an air raid shelter and learnt all about WW2. 

Mrs Slate was impressed by Year 3's ordering of significant events in WW2.

They observed closely WW2 artefacts, a fabulous experience thanks to Mr B.

Y6 Evolution and inheritance workshop- part 2

In the second part of our workshop we got to explore fossils up-close using a digital microscope. We looked at a huge range of fossils including from animals such as mammoths, whales, megalaceros and even fossilised dinosaur poo!!

What a fantastic day!!

Y6 Evolution and inheritance workshop- part 1

What a fun-filled morning. We looked at the theory of evolution with natural selection. We recreated the famous picture of the origin of species-the children suited their roles very well. We had a competition of who could collect the most ping-pong balls with different tools. We looked at the anatomy of the human skeleton and how it is linked with other animals. In our PE session we completed different circuit challenges thinking about how the body would move and what animals we would look similar to. 

I am impressed with your knowledge Year 6- fantastic work so far!

Nursery Home Learning 23.11.2020

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating the attached grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Survival of the fittest in Y6

Year 6 designed fair tests this week to see who would survive through natural selection. They chose different 'beaks' that they had to use to collect as much food as possible. They set up the investigations scientifically exploring how they would control the constants and variables fairly. They had a lot of fun collecting their food- some of the birds were very messy. I think that some of the birds may have also tried to cheat a little bit too; a lot of fun was had by all.
