School Blog

Outdoor Learning Fun

Year 3 had a brilliant morning of outdoor learning fun. We shared a magical story about a fairy and her loyal friend Shadow. Then we made our own forest creatures using leaves and sticks. We also practiced our maths skills doing arrays using bark chippings, leaves and sticks.

Year 4's Outdoor Learning Day!

Year 4 had a great time during their Outdoor Learning Day!  As well as planting trees around the school field with City of Trees, they used their photography skills to take photographs using forced perspective!  The results were brilliant but, most importantly,  everyone had great fun!  

Year 4's Taste of Christmas in Poland!

Year 4 are enjoying their current topic about Christmas around the World.  They had a real treat when Miss Laitil gave a presentation about Christmas in Poland recenty!  They even had the chance to taste some Polish treats such as Barszcz (Beetroot Soup), Paszteciki (Mushroom Parcels) and Makowiec (Poppy Seed Cake).  The class used what they had learnt to write their fantastic non-chronological reports.  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Outdoor Shelters

Year 5 had an excellent afternoon on Friday making shelters linked to our story Kensuke's Kingdom. The children used their ingenuity and creativity to turn bin bags, string and foraged materials into a shelter. What a fantatsic outdoor learning session we had. Well done Year 5!

Y6 Stars of the week 27-11-20

Well done Gracie. You always have a great attitude to learning. You are hardworking, supportive and enthusiastic in all lessons. A super role model.

Congratulations to Paige too. You are becoming more confident with each day in the class. Your enthusiasm during Outdoor Learning Day was a joy to see.

Two fantastic winners who could easily be chosen to win it every week. 

Well done Isabella for achieving your bronze award too. 

Nursery Home Learning 30.11.2020

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating the attached grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Fanastic Fundraising by Alfie for Children In Need!

Two weeks ago Alfie started his sponsored bike ride in aid of Children in Need!   Amazingly, he managed to raise a massive £585 for Children In Need!  Well done Alfie!  We are all so proud of you for being a wonderful citizen and a fantastic role model.  Mrs Blomeley

Outdoor Learning Day

We had an amazing time learning outside and got very muddy! We did an Autumn hunt and then made some artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. 
