School Blog

Spring 1 homework menu

Here is our homework for this half term. Can you earn a bronze, silver or gold certificate? 

If you are isolating you could try to complete some of these activities too. 

Year 3 Spring 1 Homework & Home Learning Information


  • Regular reading several times a week (books are sent home)
  • Spellings- sent home weekly in a spelling journal book
  • Education City games linked to learning (eg. phonics/spellings & maths) This is being introduced January 2021
  • Seesaw online-individual codes have been sent home and are needed to share home learning and complete a wide range of activities

If your child would like an extra challenge try:

Nursery Home Learning 4.01.2021

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating the attached grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Happy New Year :)

Happy New Year to everybody in Year 6. I hope you have had a lovely break. 

Our new topic this term is 'Were Vikings victorious or vicious?'

Please see the attached topic information of what we will cover in class. 

Also see attached workbooks for maths activities this term. 

Y6 Creative Homework Project

Please see the attached creative homework project for Year 6.

Please choose one activitiy to complete and hand in by 22nd January.

Don't forget our Viking dress up day on the 22nd Jan- please use items from home to create a Viking costume. See the attached sheet for inspiration.

I am looking forward to seeing what you do :)
