School Blog

Y6 Home Learning Grid 25th January

Well done to everybody who continues to work hard in school and at home. I know it can be difficult to stay motivated but you are all doing so well. I was impressed last week with some of the biographies about Ivar the Boneless. I am also really proud of how well you worked on multiplying decimals. Keep thinking about your mental wellbeing too- I will post more mindfulness ideas on Seesaw for you to try again this week.


I have created a suggested timetable again for this week- please use if it helps you to organise your time.

Year 5 Home Learning week beginning 25th January

Welcome to week 4 of home learning. I do hope that you're managing to access everything and enjoy joining the daily zoom sessions, it is so lovely to see everyone. This week we are moving forward in maths onto our fractions topic and finding out about the weather and mountains in Northa and South America. If you have any issues don't forget to email or write a message on Seesaw and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Take good care of yourselves.

Kind regards

Home Learning 25th January 2021

Attached find all our documents needed for Home Learning this week, Zoom links have been sent through a secure ping message.

Thank you parents and Year 3 for all their hard work with Home Learning. If you need anything contact us on Seesaw or through the school admin email address. 

Please share work on Seesaw so we can see how children are getting on. It looks like they are working ever so hard. The learning grid, posted on previous blogs provide further challenges for children including lots of creative ideas.

Keep Safe

Miss Laitl & Mrs Slate

Coordination (PE)

The Physical Education take home worksheet focuses all around coordination for this half term. It gives children opportunities to learn at home whilst keeping fit. The worksheet can be written on or be discussed with a parent or carer. I have attached the document below. Don't forget to send anything you complete to your class teacher on Seesaw.

Chance to Shine Cricket session

Chance to Shine are running weekly cricket sessions live on youtube. These are taking place every Wednesday between 2-2.45pm and can be found via the following link

This week the session is called Cool Catcher and is focusing on catching skills. If you want to take part you will need a ball or rolled up pair of socks and a wall to rebound the ball off. 

Stone Age Online!

As part of their home learning, Year 3 have been researching and creating Stone Age artefacts and cave paintings.

Take a look at some of the Stone Age necklaces- did children find them when digging? Or are they learning how to survive the Stone Age?

Reception Home Learning - 18.01.21

Here is this week's home learning.

Don't forget to have a go at the spelling test  - let me know how you all get on.

There are learning packs ready to collect from school, just go the Reception to collect them.  

I am so proud of all the marvellous home learning you are all doing, keep it up!

Missing you all

Mrs Kleban
