School Blog

Y6 Viking dress up and creative task

Well done to all in Year 6 who have joined in with the creative task. I am impressed with the range of artefacts that have been made from helmets to shields to amulets. Well done if you completed a written task too. It was lovely to share our Viking personnas today in our Zoom session- we had many children that dressed up too! We had a Ragnar, a Sir Erik and even Orla the Earmuffs. It was great to see you all having fun together again. 

If you haven't yet sent me your project please do so and I will add it to the blog.

Well done Year 6. 

Year 4 Home Learnng for w/c 25th January 2021

Thank you for your continued support with Home Learning.   Although the current situation has meant that teachers and parents are required to provide a different, and sometimes difficult, method of teaching, I believe that our partnership is having a real impact on the children’s learning.

Y6 reading dens

During our non screen day last week Year 6 had a go at making some cosy reading dens to sit and read their favourite books.

Well done to all who have already sent me some photographs. I will add more to the blog next week.

We joined in at school too- we made cosy dens under the tables using cushions and coats.

I hope you all enjoyed this :)

Home Learning Week Beginning 25th January

Hi Year 1,

I am missing you all so much and I am so proud of all the learning you are doing at home. I have attached the home learning for this week. Remember to upload anything you do to Seesaw so I can see all the fantastic things you get up to. 

Reception Home Learning - 25.01.21

Here is this week's home learning.  You are all doing such a fantastic job, I am thrilled with all your hard work!

Don't forget to check last week's spellings.  Let me know how you all get on on Seesaw.

Miss you all lots!

Mrs K

Y6 Stars of the week 22-1-21

Well done to our stars of the week in Y6- Adam and Lily.

Adam always pays attentions carefully and particpates well in all lessons. He is a joy to teach.

Lily impressed me with her biography writing about Ivar the Boneless. You should feel proud Lily.

Keep up the great work everybody else.
