School Blog

Year 5 Home Learning w/b 22nd February

Hello Year 5 and welcome back to home learning. I do hope that you're all keeping well and that you've had a relaxing half term holidays. Please see the attached grid for the work for week beginning 22nd February. We are still continuing our work on the USA and habitats. I do hope you enjoy travelling off to the Americas again. 

Take good care

Ms McCoy 

Home Learning 22nd February 2021

We are starting Spring 2nd half term with a new theme based on 'What a disaster! and How to survive a disaster!' Year 3 will continue to learn lots of techniques for remaining postitive and we know will enjoy learning about Earthquakes and other Natural and Manmade disasters.

Year 3's home learning information is attached, please continue to send work in through our online learning platform, Seesaw.

Zoom lesson links will be sent securely through ping. We look forward to seeing home learning children on Zoom sessions.

Thank you for your support with home learning,

Y6 Home Learning Grid 22nd February

Welcome back everyone. This week we start a new topic called ‘What did the Windrush scandal teach us? We will explore developing countries and empathise what it would be like to be a refugee.


I have created a suggested timetable again for this week- please use if it helps you to organise your time.

I am looking forward to what this new term brings and hope that we will be back together as a class very soon.

Have a fantastic week.   

Miss Harvey

Spring 2 Maths Workbooks

Please see the attached White Rose workbooks that can be completed as additional home learning over the next half term. Please send in any completed work via the Seesaw app. 

Spring 2 Topic information

Next term in Year 6 we will be looking at the learning question: 'What did the Windrush scandal teach us?' Please see the attached topic overview of things we will cover either at home or in school over the next few weeks. Also attached is the home learning grid of additional activities that can be completed over the term. Please send in any completed work to or via the Seesaw app. 

Y6 Stars of the week 12-2-21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the week Olivia and Freya.

Olivia is a positive, enthusiastic learner who participates well in all lessons. You have worked so hard over the last term.

Freya has produced some great work in her home learning. I really enjoyed your information about Anne Easley. You always present work in a neat, organised way.

A big well done to all of Year 6 who have worked hard over the last term. I am so proud of you all.

Enjoy a few lie ins next week :)

Miss Harvey
