School Blog

Chinese New Year Activities

This year Chinese New Year is celebrated on 12th February. See attached fun and engaging activities you can complete at home. Don't forget to share your work with us on Seesaw. We are looking forward to seeing all your fantastic creations. 

Miss Laitl and Mrs Slate 

Y6 Talent Show 2021

As last week was Children's Mental Health Week Year 6 decided to express themselves by taking part in a talent show. You were all wonderful. We had talents including rapping, dog tricks, dancing, gymnastics, drawing and sports skills. 

I really enjoyed it. Look through the images above.

What a talented bunch :)

Home Learning 8th February

Hi Year 1,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I have attached the home learning for this week and there are lots of exciting activites as we have lots of themed days this week. It is International Women in Science Week, E-Safety Week, Chinese New Year and Valentines Day. I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you get up to. 


E-Safety through Zoom and Home Schooling this year.

Year 3 have been designing e-safety posters based on their traffic light e-safety lesson.

Can you identify APPs or websites that are green, yellow or red?

Year 3 have also learnt about digital footprints and thought about their own digital footprint.

Let's see if on e-safety day Year 3 can sport fake news?

Year 4 Home Learning for w/c 8th February 2021

Thank you for your continued hard work with Home Learning.  Each week you amaze me with your ideas and creativity! 

There are a number of themes to celebrate this week, including Safer Internet Day, for which there is a Creative Arts Competition task to design an E-Safety poster!  Mrs Parker will choose winners for each year group and the winning posters will be displayed in school.  

Y6 Stars of the week 5-2-21

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for your hard work and positivitiy this week. 

Our stars of the week today are Sonny and Hattie.

I love Sonny's enthusiasm for mental arithmetic practise. He works so hard and often completes both sets of questions in our Zoom sessions. Well done.

Hattie is hardworking and determined with her hom learning. She contributes well to Zoom sessions and doesn't mind putting herself on the spot. This takes a lot of courage Hattie.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Home learning Y6 8th February

Well done to everybody for the Y6 Talent Show today. It made everybody feel positive and it was nice to see so many of you ‘expressing yourself’. I really enjoyed it and am so pleased with everybody who took part. 

