School Blog

Home Learning 1st March 2021

Home Learning week beginning 1st March, all documents are attached.

Year 3 Zoom session links will be sent through ping.

We are delighted by our regular Zoom children, they listen, are respectful and work so hard. We enjoy seeing their work on Seesaw so thank you to parents who are supporting children in learning at home.

Well done home learners.


Sport Bingo Grids

Tameside School Sport have released the next set of bingo grids. This time the sports are gymnastics, netball, tennis, dodgeball and HIIT fitness. For each bingo grid you complete you earn a medal and if you complete 6 you get a School Games badge! Once you have completed them, please use the instructions at the bottom of the bingo grid to send them in. If you choose to complete the tennis bingo grid, there is a link at the top to a video which explains what some of the activities are. 

World Book Day 4/3/21

On Thursday 4th March it is World Book Day. Please see the attached newsletter underneath with all of the information about events that will be happening in school or via Remote Learning during the week. Children can dress as their favourite book characters on this day - this is optional for those that wish to join in. Please don't buy anything - children can make props or use items that they already have around the home. 


Reception Home Learning - 22.02.21

I hope you all had a lovely half term and managed to have lots of fun.

Here is this week's home learning.  I have also updated Education City so have a look at the new games.

Remember to upload your work to Seesaw so I can see how you are all doing.  Hopefully we will all be back together very soon!

Miss you all!

Mrs K

Homework Menu Spring 2

Here is the homework menu for Spring 2. Again we will be handing out certificates for all the fantastic homework that is completed. 4 pieces of homework gets you a bronze award, 6 a silver award and all 8 a gold award. I wonder what award you can achieve this half term? 

How does your garden grow?

Our new topic for Spring 2 is called 'How does your garden grow?'. Attached is the topic map so you can see all the things we will be covering in school and at home this half term.
