School Blog

Reception Home Learning - 18.01.21

Good morning everyone,

Here is this week's home learning grid.  Please upload your work to Seesaw for me to have a look at.  You are all doing a marvellous job so far!

On Monday please test your child with the spellings from last week - the to no go I into.  Let me know how they all get on.  

Please don't feel overfaced by the activities, just do what you can. I am in school every day, please call or email if you are worried or have any problems and I will get back you to.

Stay safe

Mrs K

Year 4 Home Learnng for w/c 11th January 2021

Please find below this week's Home Learnng grid which includes the Zoom timetable and plenty of activities to engage your child!  Also below you will fnd the associated documents that your child will need throughout the week.  Click "read more" to access the sheets.   Thank you .  Miss Blomeley

Year 2 Home Learning 11/01/21

Dear parents/carers of Year 2,


please find attached the home learning/zoom schedule for this week, all resources can be found in Seesaw, please note a chnage of time for tomorrows zoom which is now at 09:45,


Kind Regards,


Miss Glenn 

Home Learning Week Beginning 11th January

It was fantastic to see how hard you all worked last week with your home learning and I loved seeing all the exciting things you got up to at home. Here is the information for the Zoom lessons and home learning this week. Please upload anything that you complete to Seesaw. I have also included the answers for the Maths worksheets to help you at home. 

Home Learning 11th January 2021

WOW AMAZING  YEAR 3- we had so many children last week sharing their learning on our online learning platform- Seesaw.

Our home learning grid for this week along with all resources are attached. Online live lesson through Zoom will go ahead, these links will be sent separately via pin.

Keep safe

Miss Laitl & Mrs Slate


Year 6 Stars of the week 8-1-21

Well done to our stars of the week Oliver and Lucy.

Lucy has completed a wide range of work this week. She joins in well with online lessons and I have been impressed with her independence and organisation.

Oliver is a maths whizz as we know. You always impress me. I am pleased wiht how well you are joining in with the online learing too.

Two fantastic role models. 
