School Blog

Year 4 Home Learnng for w/c 4th January 2021

Happy New Year to you all!  Please find below the Home Learning grid for this week with activities for Year 4 to complete.  You will hopefully have received my message via SchoolPing, in which I asked for children to write a brief recount about their Christmas activities.  Please upload these to Seesaw or send via email to the office, and we can share them in one or two of our Zoom sessions this week.    Please note that it is not necessary to complete all of the activities - I have tried to select a variety of tasks so that the children can choose which ones they would like to do.

Outdoor Learning Activities

Please find attached a grid containing some outdoor learning activities that your child can do at home.  There are activities for children in early years, ages 5 to 9 and 9 to 12.  You and your child can of course choose an activity from any section. I will add a new grid each week.  Any photos or work can be uploaded on to seesaw and sent to your class teacher.  I hope that you enjoy these activities and look forward to hearing all about them.  

Take care

Mrs Anson

Year 2 Home Learning

Hi all,

please find attached the home learning for this week and the termly home learning, all resources are on Seesaw and I have pinged the Zoom information,

Kind Regards,

Miss Glenn.  


Year 3 Home Learning 4th January 2021

Happy New Year - if children would like to make a start on completing the Happy New Year sheet that would be great (see attached document below).

We look forward to seeing all Year 3 soon but while we are all keeping safe we will blog home learning each week during lockdown.  

We have attached the home learning grid with learning for children to complete at home. Once work is complete please update it onto Seesaw. It is a good idea to try to do daily: Physical exercise, Maths & English.  

Year 6 Home Learning week beginning 5th January

Unfortunately we will not be meeting in person for a while but it is important to try and keep up with some home learning as we have all made so much progress since returning in September. I understand that people have different circumstances so please don't feel worried or stressed about supporting your child at home. Do what you can and ask for help when you need it. I will check the progress on seesaw daily and will respond to any emails sent in on school ping. I will start zoom sessions tomorrow- these will be twice daily.

Year 5 Home Learning W/B 5th January 2021

Happy New Year! It is such a shame that we can't welcome you back to school after the Christmas holidays but I hope that you’re all keeping well and will engage in the work that I’m preparing. It’s really important that all the fantastic learning that you did in the Autumn Term isn’t lost.

 Please place any work on Seesaw and I look forward to seeing you all on zoom. Please be aware that these sessions may be subject to change if I'm in school with key worker children.
