School Blog

Year 4 making blobsters in Forest School

Y4 have had a fantastic time in their forest school sessions over the last 2 weeks.  They have been learning how to idenfiy different leaves and trees, playing the forest ranger game and making blobsters from clay to look after the forest. 

Year 3 making fireworks and blobsters in Forest School

Year 3 have had a fantastic time during the last 2 weeks in their forest school sesions.  They have been making blobsters to look after the forest from clay, using colourful autumn leaves to make fireworks, playing on the mud slide and even riding a broomstick!  The sun has been shining for us which made the sessions even better.

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here is Maisie doing some important Maths at Home – working out how to pay her bills on Monopoly this weekend!  This proves how important Maths is!  Well done Maisie and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley



Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Jacob's photographs show how he has used his number knowledge to organise his football cards in numerical order up to 420.  He used place value skills to say which numbers were bigger/smaller and which hundreds they belonged too. He grouped them by hundreds initially and then looked at the tens number.  Wow!  That is brilliant work Jacob and an excellent example of using Maths at home!  Well done and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Charley has sent in her photographs which show how she has been using Maths when baking, and also counting her savings!  These are both great ways of using Maths at home Charley!   Well done and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Sophie and Brooke use Maths at home when playing card games such as Pontoon (21) as they have to add the value of the cards up and say wether to stick or twist.  Well done girls!  Card games are a great way of improving mental Maths skills.  No wonder you are both experts in Maths!  Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley
