School Blog

Nursery Home Learning 9.11.2020

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating the attached grid will give you ideas for activites to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Y6 spellings 9-11-20

Here are the spellings for Year 6 this week. 

Use the following link to support you:  

Mr Men and Little Miss inheritance

As a hook into our new science topic the children have designed their own offspring for the 'Mr Men and Little Miss' characters. 

They chose 2 characters for parents and then designed what they thought their offspring would like thinking about the characterisitcs they could inherit from each parents.

I love the names that they have come up with! Fabulous work Year 6. 

Have a look at the examples attached. 

Y6 Stars of the week 6-11-20

Congratulations to this weeks stars.

Lucy is always committed to completing her work to the highest standard. She consistenly works hard and joins in with everything. Well done.

Ethan has a mature attitude when discussing sensitive issues such as selective breeding. I am impressed with how you debate things Ethan. 

Well done to everybody in Y6 for your efforts during the 'Daily Mile.' You all deserve your certificates.


Autumn 2 Homework

Here is the homework menu and extra documents for your homework for this half term. Don't forget to upload all the lovely things you do to Seesaw. If you are self isolating, you can start completing some of the activities on this grid.

Don't forget to complete the phonics activities on Education City too. They will be set every Friday.
