School Blog

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here's Lolly using Maths at Home to bake!  She had to measure out the ingredients very carefully! Lolly looks excited -  I wonder what she is making? Well done Lolly and Good Luck.  Mrs Blomeley 

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

More examples of using Maths at Home come from Jake, who has been exploring numbers through weighing food and Cooper, who has been exploring numbers through his calculator on his iPad.  Well done boys and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Abigail has been busy using her maths skills in her baking this week. She used weighing and measuring to make number biscuits and did some maths with them after as well!  Those biscuits look delicious Abigail!  Well done and Good Luck with the competition!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Abel used his Maths at Home while baking. He needed 70g of sugar so Abel had to count in 5s from 50 to mark 70g on the scales to help him measure it out. Working out units of measurement is a really important skill to learn so this is very impressive!  Well done Abel and Good Luck with your entry!  Mrs Blomeley

Nursery Home Learning 13.11.2020

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating the attached grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please send me all your work on seesaw, I will love seeing your posts!

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Y6 Stars of the week 13-11-20

Well done Cerys you have impressed us with your contributions this week in maths.

Noah has produced some great work in science during our evolution topic.

Well done to everybody in class for your hard work and great attitute during our assessments this week.


Y5 Home Learning - Week Beginning 16th November 2020

Dear Parents, Carers

I do hope that you are all keeping safe and staying well. Please find attached the home learning for the week beginning 16th November. If your child completes any work, please post it on Seesaw, where I aim to review it daily. Further zoom links will be sent to you via School Ping on a daily basis.

If you have any issues, worries or concerns, do not hesitate to contact


Homework support

To support with homework look at our website- statutory information- curriculum documents. Here you will find some helpful guidance. The calculation policy may be very helpful to see the strategies that we use in Y6 for different calculations. 

Also see attached documents:

- Glossary of SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) terminology for Y6

- Maths topic summaries

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Mia's Maths at Home challenge looks great fun!  She is busy playing shopkeepers with her sister.  It involved adding quantities and amounts and handling money and giving change.  They also added time into their game as the shop was open at 6pm and closed at 6:15pm!  So many aspects of Maths in this game!  Well done Mia and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Courtney is using her bracelets and bows and other items to work out some addition and subtraction questions at home!   Using objects is a great way to help with Maths!  Well done Courtney and Good Luck with the competition!  Mrs Blomeley
