School Blog

Year 6 Autumn 2 Maths Workbooks

Please see the attached workbooks for the mathematical topics that we will be covering in Year 6 in Autumn 2. Please use these booklets to support home learning.

Don't forget to send in pictures/samples of work using the Seesaw app or send work to the school admin address. 

Tameside Mile Winners

KS2 took part in a competition against other schools in Tameside where they had to run 1 mile as fast as they could. The fastest times from each class have been submitted into the competition, we can't wait to hear how we have done! Well done to everyone who took part!

Year 6 Boys:

1st = Coban - 7 minutes 30 seconds

2nd = Aidan - 7 minutes 56 seconds

3rd = Reuben - 8 minutes 5 seconds

Year 6 Girls:

1st = Isabel - 7 minutes 58 seconds

1st = Poppy - 7 minutes 58 seconds

3rd  = Maisie - 8 minutes 42 seconds

Year 5 Boys:

Black History Month in year 6

During Black History Month Year 6 have explored the life of Rosa Park and how she was a catalyst for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 with her small but life changing act of refusing to move on a bus. Her defiance and determination helped to stop segregation in America. 


Year 6 have also researched a person from the black community who they find inspiring. They then created Powerpoint Presentations which they shared with their peers in the class. 

Well done for your fantastic work this week year 6. 

Y6 Stars of the week 23-10-20

Congratulations to our Year 6 stars of the week.

Oliver has completed some impressive word problems this week using his knowledge of multiplication and division. I am very impressed with him.

Reuben has been mature during our Black History Week and actively joined in with class discussions. I am impressed with his own research and presentation skills too. 

Well done boys. 

Thank you to all of Year 6 for a wonderful half term. All of them deserve a certificate. 

Have a lovely half term holiday :) 


Penny Whistles!

Year 4 are enjoying their weekly music sessions with Mrs Simpson from Tameside Music Services.  They are learning about pitch, rhythm and tone, as well as learning to play the penny whistle.  Fantastic work Year 4 - you sound amazing!  Mrs Blomeley

Pumpkin Carving Competition!

What a fantastic collection of pumpkins we received back into school!  Children from all year groups at Broadbent Fold have been busy carving their pumpkins ready to return them to school to line our Key Stage 2 path.  We also had a selection of entries sent in by email from some of the children who are isolating at home.  Each pumpkin was unique and they all looked amazing!  This afternoon our Pupil Leaders had the difficult job of choosing some winners.  All of the designs were brilliant but the Pupil Leaders managed to choose four: 

Y6 Banksy art work

Year 6 have been looking at the artwork of the anonymous artist Banksy.

Have a look at the attached file with our Banksy inspired work.

Well done Year 6- could one of you be the real Banksy??
