School Blog

Coban's home learning

Great work from Coban at home this week.

You have demonstrated a good understanding of rounding numbers.

I like your flag design too- I can see how important football is to you :)

Great work Coban

Aidan's home learning

Well done Aidan for your home learning so far.

An accurate portrait of Henry VIII.

I like your balanced argument points. What did you decide at the end- should children be paid for going to school?

Great work :)

Superhero Masks

Year 1 have been working really hard since they came back to school on their topic Superheroes. Look at the fantastic masks they have all made!

Y5 Home Learning Autumn 1

Our topic this half term is about The Victorians. We have been finding out what life was like for Victorian children in the world of work, school and at home.

Can you become a historian and create something to impress me?

Y6 Home Learning Grid -Autumn 1

Attached are some activities that you can complete at home if you are self isolating. 

Please choose as many activities as you want to complete. Send in any samples or photographs of what you do and I will update the class blog with samples of work. 

Please remember you can use:


- TTRockstars

- mymaths- I will allocate activities

- spellingframe





Y6 Stars of the week 18-9-20

Well done to our Y6 stars of the week.

Freya produced a superb poem with beautiful vocabulary about what could be behind a mysterious door.

Isabel has taken in our SPAG terminology so well and has applied this in her English writing this week.

A special mention to the whole class- I am so pleased with everybody's efforts and hard work. Myself and Mrs Anson are really impressed by you all. :)
