School Blog

Nature on Film

Have you seen the latest creatures to be roaming the classrooms of Broadbent Fold? Year 6 have been busy researching, writing and filming their own nature documentaries about endangered animals. A couple of particular class favourites are the giant panda and the sun bear. 

How can we help these endangered animals to survive in the wild? We have written to Sir David Attenborough, using our best formal letter writing, to suggest an animal that we would like him to film next. Let's hope he listens and raises awareness of our furry friends!


Year 4 have been really creative with their new topic- Robots. They are thoroughly engrossed in the Iron Man story and our air raid shelter from WW2 has been converted into a cave to enable the children to imagine the cliff that Iron Man fell from, scattered along the beach. The children have been really imaginative using imotion and are really eager to create a Stop Motion movie using robots. Mrs Slate and Mrs McCoy have been highly impressed with the amount of effort they have put in already at home, as the children have been bringing in electronic gadgets, robots, models and information related to their new topic. What a great start to the second part of the Spring term.

Treasure Hunting

We had a wonderful time on our treasure hunt. We followed a trail of diamonds, jewels and coins which led us to different clues and finally to the treasure! We helped the pirate to sort out his treasure matching all the same coins together.

The Secret Garden

Our new topic for this half term is The Secret Garden written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The children will be transported into a magical world of flowers, plants and animals. We will use the story to inspire our writing and it will be the focus for our art sessions. Keep watching our blog to see what we get up to over this half term.

Our Amazing Class Assembly

Well done everybody! You all did a fabulous job in our class assembly  and I'm very proud of you all. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to support the children, it was lovely to see so many of you at our amazing assembly.

Our visit to Tesco

To end our "Food Glorious Food" topic, we went to visit Tesco in Stalybridge. We took part in their Field to Fork project and found out where lots of different foods come from. We also got to taste bread, cheese, olives, strawberries, apples and blueberries. We had a fantastic morning and would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Sharon and Hayley who showed us around.

Model Making in Year 5 !

This term Year 5 have massively improved their knowledge of the countries in Europe together with their capital cities, flags and famous landmarks.  All the class enjoyed  D & T sessions where they sketched, planned and built  some impressive models of landmarks around Europe.


We are learning all about pirates this week. We have been making treasure maps, sorting out pirate treasure and role playing in our fabulous pirate ship.

Circus Week

We are thoroughly enjoying our circus week so far. We loved the visit from Circus Sensible, it made us all laugh! 

Year 5 Explore Europe!

Year 5 are enjoying their new topic - EXPLORING EUROPE!  For their homework task they spoke to members of their family about countries they have visited within Europe.  The result?  Some fantastic presentations together with photographs and items of interest from lots of different countries.  During the presentations the children used excellent speaking and listening skills and we have all learnt new facts about Europe.  For instance, Jessica told us all about the story of Nando's cockerel from Portugal.
