Class Blog

Year 1 Blog

Can you guess the planet?

During our SATs morning breakfast we found a shape that looked like a planet. Can you guess it? Yes - it is Saturn in our rice crispies! Made all year 6 laugh. 

King Charles III Coronation

Year 1 had lots of fun celebrating King Charles III's coronation on Friday. We had fish and chips in the classroom, came wearing red, white and blue, had our faces painted, designed crowns and designed place mats to eat off. We even had a visit from King Charles and Camilla themselves.

African necklaces

As part of our topic 'Hot or Cold?', we have been looking at Kenya. We learnt about the clothing that people wear here including the African tribes and made necklaces in this style using lots of patterns. 

World Daily Mile Day

We loved taking part in World Daily Mile day last week. Some of us said we were very tired after taking part and some of us carried on running at break time too! Well done everyone for not stopping!

Good Luck Year 6!

All of us here at Broadbent Fold would like to take the opportunity to wish all of year 6 the best of luck for their tests next week.

We are very proud of how hard you have all worked this year- you are all stars!

Litter picking at Gorse Hall

The Eco Leaders did a fantastic job when they went litter picking at Gorse Hall.  With the help of Mr Pickles from the Friends of Gorse Hall and Mr Moon from Tameside Rotary and we collected 4 big bags full of litter.  All of the children worked really hard even in the pouring rain.  Well done everyone for helping to improve our local environment which will help our wildlife to grow and thrive.

Matt Goodfellow returns to BBF!

On Thursday 27th April we will be joined by Manchester based poet Matt Goodfellow. He will perform some of his poems in assembly and during poetry workshops throughout the day. The children thoroughly enjoyed working with him last year and I am sure they will create some amazing poetry with him again next week.

Please ask your child to share their poetry with you on Thursday. 

Handwriting Awards Spring 2 2023

Well done to our Spring 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Maddison, Reception- Henry, Y1- Aliza, Y2- Tilly, Y3- Millie, Y4- Matthew, Y5- Evie, Y6- Seth

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Home Learning Summer 1

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'Hot or Cold?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 
