Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog

Challenge Me - Balancing

Year 1 took part in the Challenge Me event where they had to try and hold an arabesque balance for 10 seconds on each leg. They then had a go creating their own balances which are very impressive! Well done to everyone who took part. 

Summer 2 Homework Menu

I have been impressed with how much effort everyone has been putting into their homework over the year. Lets see if everyone can get a certificate this half term; remember you get a bronze award for completing 4 pieces, a silver award for 6 pieces and a gold award for all 8 pieces. The homework menu is attached below. Phonics activities will continue to be set every Friday on Education City. 

Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?

This half term, our topic is called 'Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?' where we will be learning all about different toys and how things have changed since our grandparents were little. We have lots of exciting things happening this half term including martial arts, making our own wooden toys, sports day and much much more! For more information about what we will be covering see the attached document. 

Eco School

The Eco warriors have been working really hard this year on the three topics for the Eco schools award.  The topics are Saving Energy, Reducing Waste and Improving the School Grounds.  Due to their hard work we have recieved Eco Schools Bronze and Silver awards!  The certificates are attached below.

We have been extremely busy planting hundreds of trees, sowing wildflower seeds and seed bombs, learning how to save energy, putting up posters about saving energy, litter picking and using the new recycling and compost bins around the school.

South Pole Explorer Workshop

Year 1 had a virtual workshop with a South Pole Explorer today. We learnt all about what they would need to take on a South Pole expedition, what it is like in Antarctica and we got to ask lots of questions. We loved finding out that the explorers had to wash themselves with ice and even used ice instead of toilet paper! We found it funny that it was that cold that one of the explorers had an icicle hanging off his nose!

Freddy Fit

Year 1 loved taking part in the Freddy Fit circuit training session and had fun completing all the different activities - hula hooping, lunges, star jumps, squat jumps and more! 

Handwriting Awards Summer 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Summer 1:

Nursery- Mason

Reception- Matilda

Year 1- George

Year 2- Joshua

Year 3- James

Year 4- Aaron

Year 5- Ethan

Year 6 - Coban

It is lovely to see how much the children's handwritng and presentation skills are developing from the start of the year. All of these children have impressed their teachers with these skills! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

Year 4's Tudor Theatre!

Year 4 finished off their Tudor topic with six amazing plays based on Henry VIII and his wives!  The class wrote and performed their own play scripts and even had a special visitor to watch some of their performances - Mrs Parker!  We definitely have some future actors and actresses in this class!  Brilliant work Year 4!  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Times Table of the Week! w/c 10th May


The facts for week commencing 10th May are   5 X 12 = 60  and   2 x 6 = 12

Can you learn these, together with all the associated facts?  Star points will be given if you can answer any teacher that asks you this week! 

 Keep up the great work!  Mrs BlomeleyT
