Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog


We have had lots of fun learning about plants this half term. We planted our own runner beans and they grew really tall! We were so impressed when we could see the roots in the soil and when we measured our plant each week to see if it had grown. We enjoyed exploring the school grounds looking for different types of flowers and spotting evergreen and deciduous trees.

Easter Fun

Year 1 and 2 had an Easter parade to show their fantastic entries to the Easter bonnnet and Easter egg competition. Well done to everyone who took part, it was so hard for us to choose the winners!

A special well done to our winners Lily, Henry, Dominic and Austin. 

Cooking Fun

Year 1 have been busy in Spring term doing lots of cooking. We have made pancakes, cheese sandwiches, jam sandwiches and Easter nests. We wrote some fantastic instructions to explain how we had made them. 

Year 4's EGGceptional Creations!

Year 4's Egg Creations for the Easter Competition were just "EGGceptional"!  We were so impressed with their entries it was EGGstremely difficult to choose the winners!  Well done to everyone for their time and effort.  Mrs Blomeley

Times Table of the Week!

It's back!  By popular demand we are re-starting Times Table of the Week!  Every Monday we will choose two new times table facts (one for Key Stage 1 and one for Key Stage 2).  These facts will be displayed in every classroom and in key areas around the school.  Teachers and other staff will ask children about the initial fact, as well as all the other facts they can derive from it.  For example, if 2 x 9 = 18, what is 18 divided by 2?  We hope that parents can get involved too!  Thank you for your support!  Mrs Blomeley

Easter Week- a time for reflection

Last week, children and staff at Broadbent Fold took time to reflect on it being a year since the start of Covid and the first lockdown.

Easter for many is the most important time of year, a time to reflect on the Easter story and importance of hope.

Have a look at the muddychurch website, attached are some examples, the social media/website has a range of enjoyable activities to make children and adults reflect and think. Share your activities on Seesaw for class teachers to see.

Handwriting winners spring 2

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Spring 2:

Nursery- Aliza

Reception- Ella

Year 1- Mia

Year 2- Alyssia

Year 3- Lucy

Year 4- Heidi

Year 5- Ava 

Year 6 - Freya

We are using a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

British Science Week

Year 1 had a fantastic time taking part in British Science Week. We had an afternoon of experiments - making rainbows with skittles, making potions change colour and explode and trying to get paper to stick to a cup using just water. We also shared these experiments with Year 2 and learnt about what they had been doing in Science week. Year 1 also took part in a competition innovating products that could be used in the classroom. A big well done to Charlie and Sophia who won the competition with their amazing designs. 

Year 1 Forest School Week 1

Year 1 had a fantastic time in their forest school session today.  They played a sensory game trying to identify a tree while being blind folded, had a fun game of tree tig, found some pretty catkins and played in the mud kitchen.  We also learned some tree names like Alder, Silver Birch, Hazel and Oak.
