Class Blog

Year 1 Blog

Sean Perkins visit

We met author and illustrator Sean Perkins today who read us his book 'Ben and Oscar birthday party' 

He was very creative and used sound effects to narrate his story. We even enjoyed a sing song with his guitar to finish.

Please remember that you can order one or both of his signed books. Bring in your slip and money next week.

House Team Winners

A huge congratulations to Team Sapphire, who have won the House Cup and will recieve non-uniform day on Friday 23rd February. The team scored a huge 853 points! Well done. 

Home Learning Spring 2

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'How does your garden grow?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 

How does your garden grow?

In Spring 2, our topic is 'How does your garden grow?'. We will be learning all about plants, the environment and Beatrix Potter. We will even go on a trip to our local park Gorse Hall. For more information regarding what we are learning about this half term, please see the MTP below.

Design an England shirt winners

As part of Schools Football Week, pupils were tasked with designing their own England top. The Sports Council were tasked with the hard job of choosing the winning entries. We had over 100 entries so well done to those pupils who won!!

Year 1 - Vanessa 

Year 2- Emmie

Year 3 - Bella

Year 4 - Kai and Jorge

Year 5 - Isla and Lottie

Year 6 - Isobel

Handwriting Winners Spring 1 2024

Congratulations to our Handwriting Champions who have been selected to win the award this half term for either their great handwriting and presentation or for their improvement.

Our winners are:

Nursery- Josef, Reception- Oli, Y1- Minnie, Y2- Aston, Y3- Marshall, Y4- George, Y5- Evie-Mae, Y6- Eva

As you can see their work is proudly on display at the front of school for all to see.

Children's Mental Health Week and E-Safety

Children’s Mental Health Week will take place from 5-11 February 2024. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

This year, we want to empower children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing. Our aim is for Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.”

The story of The Green Man

Today in Forest School we listened to and talked about the story of The Green Man. We learnt about he looks after the plants, trees and wildlife in the forest. Then we looked for faces of The Green Man in the trees and used clay to make our own Green Man faces and figures. 

Book Look

Thank you for all the families that joined us for our book look. We are very proud of our pupils and their hard work each day. 
