Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog

A Special Visit

What an exciting afternoon for Broadbent Fold it has been! We have had the special honour of meeting Beth Tweddle MBE, the european and world champion and Olympic gymnastic medalist. The children had the opportunity to learn about Beth and watch her at work in some exciting gymnastic videos before mind mapping some questions to ask her as she visited us in our classroom. The children loved listening to Beth sharing her experiences as a gymnast and asked lots of questions all about her training and practise.

Happy Half Term!

What a super last week Year 1 have had! We have really enjoyed learning about all of the different events that have been happening this week. We have eaten pancakes in our new family groups, baked valentine shortbread and decorated them, made our own Valentine's Day cards and learnt about Chinese New Year. Miss Wright asked the children to share some of things that they had enjoyed from this half term and they shared lots of ideas.

Internet Safety Day

Yesterday was E-Safety Day and Year One really enjoyed participating in lots of different activities that teach us how to be safe on the internet. We learnt all about a penguin called Smartie and helped him to make the right choices when strange things he had never seen before popped up on his tablet such as adverts, the App Store, websites that his older brother had been on and a game that included a chat room. Together we discussed whether this has ever happened to us before when we are at home and talked about what the right thing to do would be. We even learnt a song...

Tick Tock!

Year One have really enjoyed their practical maths all about time. Together we have discussed the different ways that we can tell the time including different devices and even the light and sounds from outside. The children then completed a range of activities such as showing the time to o'clock and half past, playing a 'Tell the Time' board game, time bingo and some of the children really enjoyed exploring time with their friends and the big clock. We even challenged ourselves further by showing an hour earlier and later by reading worded problems.

Christmas in Year One

Wow! What a Christmas we have had! Year One have enjoyed participating in all of the festivities here at Broadbent Fold this Christmas. We have made our own party hats ready for our Christmas lunch, had a special visit from one of Santa's elves, written our letters to Santa, shared our top wishes for gifts this year and we even had a surprise visit from Father Christmas himself during our Christmas party! The children have particularly enjoyed rehearsing for and performing their 2017 Key Stage One Nativity! The children did an excellent job and we were all so proud of them!

Our Visit from Imran

Today we had a special visit from Imran who came to speak to us about the Islamic faith. Imran talked to us about being a Muslim and shared with us the five pillars of Islam; belief, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. After lots of discussion, Imran shared some special items that are linked with his religion. Imran brought a Qur'an to share with us and showed how it is opened in a different way to other books because of the language that the Qur'an is written in.

Our Visitors from Holy Trinity Church

Year One had a wonderful day learning all about the Christian faith with our special visitors from Holy Trinity Church in Stalybridge. Together we talked about the true meaning of Christmas and what Christians believe about the Christmas Story. Our special visitors brought objects to represent the main events from the story and the children impressed with their super knowledge! Then we talked about the different names for Jesus and how Christians believe that he is the light of the world.

The Bog Baby

This week, we had a special visitor arrive in our classroom. Miss Wright had been on a walk through the woods at the weekend and through the crunchy autumn leaves, she found a Bog Baby! Miss Wright decided to bring him to school in a jar and share him with us; we all fell in love! We had a chat about whether we thought Miss Wright did the right thing in taking him from the wild and putting him in a jar, some of us said that is wasn't very fair because he was away from his family and friends.

Potion Commotion

Wow! What an exciting morning Year One have had! We entered the classroom to find some spooky decorations, halloween music, spider's webs and a bubbling couldron! The children explored the classroom and talked about the different things that they could see before discussing as a class what we thought was inside the couldron. The children thought of some fabulous ideas such as witches fingers, frogs legs and even mouldy bread!

Autumn Walk

Today we have taken some time to learn about Autumn. We watched videos all about Autumn and talked about how and why the leaves on the trees change colour, how the weather changes, how some animals adapt such as hibernation and migration and some special things that happen in Autumn such as Halloween and Bonfire Night. After a class discussion, we decided to go on a walk around school to see if the leaves on the trees had started to change. We found that some of them had started to change colours and some had already fallen from the trees. 
